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Silvestri Carnivalis was the court jester of Catarin deSangre. In a timequake caused by Eris, Goddess of Chaos, he was propelled forward 600 years in time to the Modern Age, where he founded the Jesters guild in 299 AF. During the Burning Times, the Carnivalis line of Jesters offered sanctuary to the fleeing Occultists and also taught them the ancient art of tarot. Shortly after the founding of the guild, he was kidnapped by a number of Occultists and forced to put the Jesters' knowledge of tarot under the Occult cloak of secrecy. This was achieved through such unsavory methods as torture. Lacking any viable alternatives, he relented. Now a broken man, he transferred guild leadership to Llewellyn and departed to find the ruins of his beloved Seleucar.

Silvestri's remains were later found deep within the manticore caverns near Genji. After being holed up for years in a musty stockroom, his bones are now buried in the cemetery of Shala'jen.

Today, a statue stands in Delos in his honour.