Grimaldrin, Captain of the Werewolves was, as his name implies, the werewolf who led the guardians of Lupus, Wild God of the Beasts. He was also the Wild God's longtime hunting companion.
Around the Year 610AF, Lupus join Kastalia on an assault to reclaim Hermes, after Shaitan and Apollyon joined the field in defense of Bal'met. After killing the goddess Kastalia, Lupus lunged at Bal'met and was knocked unconscious. Grimaldrin then jumped to defense of his Lord but was killed by Shaitan by shattering his ribs and ripping out his heart.
Prior to his death at the hands of Shaitan on Krenindala, Grimaldrin could be found within the Temple of the Hunt, an area apart from the Lupine Hunting Grounds where only those who follow Lupus could tread.