Bright and deciduous, the Aureliana Forest rests on the eastern bank of the river Urubamba, west of Lake Vundamere, north of the Mannaseh Swamp, and south of the Crystal Leaf Inn. Oaks and maples grow in abundance here, and squirrels, deer, and rabbits make these sunlit boughs and brush their home. The Mesmerium, public temple of Valnurana, Goddess of Dreams, may be found within, and it is also in the Aureliana that one might find the concealed entrance to the Aerinewild. It is not all smiles and leaves, though, for it is here that a hidden troop of bandits makes camp, ready to ambush the unwary. The Aureliana is considered the sister forest of the Black Forest, which lies just across the Urubamba River from it.