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The Landmarks of Achaea formerly adorned nine and later eight very special spots in the lands. Originally, their alignment, whether Good or Evil, could be changed at any time and a continuous battle raged at each. Eventually, they changed and were only able to be tuned one way or the other once a year. Durring the time known as Ethian's crossing (which lasted the full month of Sarapin), completing the quests associated with the Landmarks would result in their alignment shifting toward one side or the other. At a certian threshhold, they would change their alignment. Depending on the number of Landmarks in the good or evil alignment, Necromancers and Devotion users would recieve a differing amount of Essence and Devotion, respectively.

The Landmarks were destroyed durring the Reflection Incident and later completely dissolved during the birth of Lady Makali

The Landmarks were (in Good/Evil alignments):