Sarava Axor

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Scarlet-gowned Sarava Axor, the Haemomancer was a leader of the Vigil cult in service to Black Pazuzu during the Age of Woe. Bearing her flaming sacrificial kris she butchered Achaeans who tried to stop her mad attack upon the various settlements of Achaea. Yggdrasian brambles advanced under her command, obliterating Sparrow's Rest and encroaching upon Tir Murann before they were stymied by the dragonfire of the Greater Dragons of Sapience in 922 AF.

In 924 AF a Targossian Avatar ritual banished the Pazuzuan taint from the skies of Achaea, to be answered by an assault by assassins and bladesworn of the Vigil. At their head, the Harmomancer descended, bearing a new taint: the corrupted Staff of Celestia. Despite the conflict being an extended bloodbath, the scarlet sorceress was eventually defeated, relinquishing the holy rod back to the Dawnspear before retreating.