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Beetles of Achaea are six-legged insects with armour-shelled wings. Beetles prefer dark places but they are as varied as they are many, adapting to many different environments, from deep caves to tundra regions.

Beetle types

Giant mud beetles

Behemoth specimens are found in the marshes of Dun Valley.

Giant stag beetles

Stag beetles are found in the mines of Nimick where they are sometimes used for labour.

Ice scarabs

Ice scarabs are crystalline beetles of the Tundra region. They are fairly docile, but the chittering insects have been known to chew holes into and poison any predator who disturbs them.

Lead beetles

These metallic insects are found on the cursed island of Ageiro.

Massive, black and white war beetles

Giant black and white beetles are native to the Underrealm where strains are bred by the Tsol'teth as shock troops for war. They are known for their loud chittering and noxious, fear-inducing screams.

Rhinoceros beetles

The Great Rock is home to the giant horned rhinoceros beetle, the only known member a pet owned by Arinas named Herbie.

Rock beetles

Rock beetles can be found navigating the pyritic flows of the caverns of Nuskuwe.

Sylphid beetles

Sylphids live and work in intricate, subterranean colonies, where they are divided by caste, similar to termites or Ulangi Horkval. What is most unusual about them is that they can communicate with low-level psi abilities.Creatures of Mourning Pass