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Forest Spirits

The eleven forest spirits are the visible sentience of the forests they reside in. As such, when their forest feels pain, they feel it as well. Though they appear ghost-like and weak, they are unkillable.

Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia and Urania, the first nine spirits, appeared soon after Lady Gaia dispersed Her essence among the forests and faded away, in the year 306 AF.

Calliope resides in the Aureliana, Clio in the Western Ithmia, Erato in the Eastern Ithmia, Euterpe in the Northreach, Melpomene in the Black forest, Polyhymnia on Ulangi (she watches over both forests on the island), Terpsichore in the Aalen, Thalia in the Northern Ithmia and Urania in the Darkenwood.

Eupheme, spirit of the Aerinewild appeared later, in the year 315 AF, when the Aerinewild and Lady Demeter came to be.

Lastly, Propasia appeared in the year 326 AF, during the tribulations of the Darkenwood forest. Propasia was the spirit of a forest that was destroyed in the building of Cyrene, and was thus displaced until the healing of the Darkenwood. A ritual conducted by the Oracle of Demeter was performed, and Propasia and Urania were joined together, healing the forest in the process. Thus, to this day, Propasia resides in the Darkenwood, displaced no more.