Category:Protean relics

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The Protean Relics are a collection of very ancient and powerful items created by Proteus during the days of the Chaos Wars. He reportedly locked them away in a reliquary, to be guarded by Kaphlos, the son of the Aldar Dekalb. This reliquary was later sealed away, its chambers lost to all knowledge.

The rapid burrowing of the enormous Dala'myrr during the rise of Bal'met caused tears in the ether that were discovered first by Maklak during the Reckoning of the Conclave, and then by Yudhishthira as he was searching for the source of Maklak's power.

These ether tears were then discovered by adventurers initially working under the direction of Yudhishthira, and then by the world at large. Located in unstable Digsites, adventurers tunneled through them, enduring occasional deadly collapses, and found their way to individual Chambers in the Reliquary that held the Relics.