User talk:Almir

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Shortly after the Chaos War, the Wyrm of the Worlds and Devourer of Souls was summoned by by the Tsol'aa Darnashta'i in an attempt to drive humans from the forests. The Wyrm initially seemed to follow its summoner's plans, performing a dark ritual supposedly designed to steal the souls of the human intruders that unleashed a dark mist across the woods. It transpired, however, that the demon-lord was too powerful to be controlled by mortal will. To the horror of Darnashta'i, the mist was indescriminate, ripping the souls from the bodies of all sentient life in the forest, including that of his Tsol'aa kin. These souls were doomed to an eternal nightmare as haunts and spectres.

The Wyrm of the Worlds then proceeded to rip the forest from the surface of Sapience, setting it in a deep underground cavern to form the Underground Forest of Azdun. As it turned to leave, it found its path blocked by Gaia, Goddess of Nature. Despite believing itself a match for the Divine, the Wyrm was soon defeated by Gaia, trapped within an emerald cocoon of power. She then stipped the demon lord of its physical form, imprisoning its spirit form within a hardened stone statue. During this process, however, the Wyrm struck out at Gaia, infecting her with a seed of his own hatred, arrogance and paranoia that eventually leading to Gaia's betrayal. Gaia then condemned Darnashta'i to an eternity guarding the statue to ensure the wyrm never escaped, as a punishment for summoning the demon.

The Wyrm remained trapped for many years, until one day the statue began to move. Over time, the statue fractured, cracked and eventually shattering as the Wyrm broke free of its prinson before binding the defenseless Darnsashta'i in the remains of the enclosure and fleeing. Finding that Gaia had passed during its entrapment, the wyrm turned its interests to the attempts of the forestals to awaken a sleeping Celani, who became Lady Demeter. Taking advantage of Her weakened, slumbering state, the Wyrm began to entwine its spirit with Hers Unbeknownst to anyone, including herself.

When the Celani awoke as Demeter, the Wyrm fed off Her increasing power, becoming stronger itself, beginning to inject malevolance and arrogance into her. She eventually become aware of it presence, but it was too powerful for Her and took control of Her corporeal form, banishing Her soul to the Netherworld. The Wyrm then retreated to Azdun to heal from their battle, diverting the power of Demeter's shrines to do so.

Years later the Wyrm stirred beneath Azdun, feeling the sources of its power, Demeter's shrines, being destroyed by the forces of Mhaldor and the Order of Matsuhama. In an attempt to encourage the rebuilding of the shrines, the Wyrm appeared as Lady Demeter to spur on Her followers. The Shrines were blamed, however, for a series of strange forest fires, and as a result were destroyed. In an attempt to redeem Lady Demeter's name, the Wyrm revealed the cause of the fires to be the fire spirit, Krranthknar. This backfired, however, when the spirit fled to the Underground Forest, leading the forestals to the captive Darnashta'i. The source of its power destroyed, the Wyrm retreated once more.

When the Treekin became ill, the forestal community demolished the last of Demeter's shrines, cutting off the Wyrm final sources of power. With its power weakened, Demeter was able to cause a series of visions in mortals. A ritual was held within Her temple to lend Her strength, allowing her to break free, reborn into a new corporeal form, that of Lady Melantha. Melantha called out in challenge to the Wyrm, still inhabitting Demeter's former form, whom She fought in the skies of Sapience for all to see. The Wyrm tired quickly, and disgarded his divine mask, reverting to his demonic form, in which instant Melantha struck with a magical golden net and imprisoned him once more.