Knights are a type of soldier who may either serve a higher ranking person or an entire organisation. From the War of Humanity to the Wars of Succession to present day, they are held to be chivalrous and honourable in conduct and proficient and able in arms.
Ever since the end of the Guilds era, there has been a disconnect between those who could be termed True Knights who live and die by the code of Chivalry, having undergone many trials to demonstrate their prowess and valour, and the more self-serving swordsmen and swordswomen who adopt one of the Knight classes while being wholly unconcerned with the pursual of honour.
The three types of Knight classes one can find throughout the land, then, are these:
The Paladin, sworn to the service of the Bloodsworn Gods, Light, and Good. The Infernal, sworn to Evil and its Master, Lord Sartan, and the Runewarden, wholly free of such binding restrictions, and thus able to serve whoever and whenever he or she may well please.