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Artefact powers are special enchantments bestowed upon items to give them the powers of artefacts, obvious as that may be. Artefact powers can be purchased directly for an item, or consolitated amonsgst items and artefacts that already hold such powers. The known artefact powers are listed below.
'''Artefact powers''' are special enchantments purchased with [[credits]], and bestowed upon items to give them specific powers from existing artefacts. Artefact powers can be purchased directly for an item, or consolidated amongst items and artefacts that already hold such powers. The known artefact powers are listed below.
{| border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2
{| border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2
|- bgcolor=#cccccc
!| Name || Price || Owner only || Must be worn || Description
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[aludel of pellucid glass|alchemical_focus]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Triples number of stacks from [[Alchemy]] SULPHUR and MERCURY and reduces chance for GOLD to fail when transferring [[willpower]].
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Anake's Hood|anti_spying]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Protects from attempts to spy upon your person, including grove watch, mind listening, subterfuge, vodun and puppetry listen, and angel and baalzadeen mindread.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[artist's beret|artistry_channels]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Reduces channel time for [[artistry]] embellish from 3 to 2 second intervals
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[leather-bound technique books|artistry_sessions]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300<br/>500<br/>700
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Anti-spying protects one from attempts to spy upon their person, including grove watch, mind listening, subterfuge, vodun and puppetry listen, and angel and baalzadeen mindread. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[buckawn's boots|anti_web]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Anti-web makes one immune to the effect of a player's web tattoo, and immune to web bombs when they are detonated in the room. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Immune to the effect of adventurers' web tattoo, and immune to web bombs when they are detonated in the room.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[gilded coinbox|banking]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 900  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 900 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows access to all personal bank accounts from any location. This artefact power functions only for the owner, and does not exempt the owner from bank fees.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows access to all personal bank accounts from any location. This artefact power does not exempt its owner from bank fees.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Medallion of Enchantments|batch_enchantments]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to create enchantments in batches, up to five at a time.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to create enchantments in batches, up to five at a time.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[vambraces of the Berserker|battlerage_decay]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the length of time until the wearer's battlerage decays by five seconds. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the length of time until the wearer's battlerage decays by five seconds.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[band of the Berserker|battlerage_support]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the damage of conditional (affliction-based) battlerage attacks for the wearer's allies.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Gloves of Serendipity|bomb_duplication]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the damage of conditional (affliction-based) battlerage attacks for the wearer's allies. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Has a chance to duplicate a Jester's bomb on creation.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[clasp of the animal spirit|bonding]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Has a chance to duplicate a Jester's bomb on creation. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power makes one immune to effects that revert a metamorph back into their racial form.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[fishscale tunic|breathe_underwater]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power makes one immune to effects that revert a metamorph back into their racial form. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect, and only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power functions much the same as prickly pear, allowing one to breathe and move about with ease underwater.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[wolverine's claws|burrow]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power functions much the same as prickly pear, allowing one to breathe and move about with ease underwater. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to BURROW underground.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Armband of Celerity|celerity]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to BURROW underground. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows its wearer one additional movement per second before the movement penalty kicks in. It stacks with other bonuses such as the Mhun racial trait.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ox replica with rune-inscribed horns|chivalric_rage]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows its wearer one additional movement per second before the movement penalty kicks in. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect, and stacks with other bonuses such as the Mhun racial.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Grants additional 10 minutes of FURY per Achaean day.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[lorewarden's stones|class_switch_reduction]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350<br/>800<br/>1600  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350/800/1600 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the cooldown on switching classes to one hour/ten minutes/one minute for its owner. This artefact power only works for the owner, and must be in your inventory at the time of the class switch to function.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the cooldown on switching classes to one hour / ten minutes / one minute for its owner. It must be in your inventory at the time of the class switch to function.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[trader's reference|commodity_market]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to buy from and sell on the commodities market from anywhere.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to buy from and sell on the commodities market from anywhere.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[talisman of obfuscation|conceal_illusions]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power makes your illusions 33% less likely to be caught by those with the lifevision defence.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power makes your illusions 33% less likely to be caught by those with the lifevision defence.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[hunter's belt|constitution]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400<br/>1000<br/>2000  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400/1000/2000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's constitution by 1/2/3 points. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's constitution by 1/2/3 points.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[fire pendant|criticals]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200<br/>600<br/>1200
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's chance to land a critical hit by 2/4/6%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200/600/1200 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's chance to land a critical hit by 2/4/6%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Anklet of Dashing|dash]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to SPRINT and DASH at will, allowing for faster travel.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to SPRINT and DASH at will, allowing for faster travel. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[knotted leather cord|dauntless]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the owner to join and rejoin the Dauntless from anywhere at no cost, and prevents them from being removed from the organization automatically.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the owner to join and rejoin the Dauntless from anywhere at no cost, and prevents them from being removed from the organization automatically. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Pixies' Boots|dexterity]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500<br/>1250<br/>2500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's dexterity by 1/2/3 points.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500/1250/2500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's dexterity by 1/2/3 points. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[shopper's guidebook|directory]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Use the direction command from anywhere, for anywhere
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 600 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power bestows resistance enchantments for cold, magic, fire and electrical type damages on an item. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect. This artefact power does not stack with the resistance enchantments from Augmentation, but stacks normally with other resistances.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[prismatic ring|elemental_resistances]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 600
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power bestows resistance enchantments for cold, magic, fire and electrical type damages on an item. This artefact power does not stack with the resistance enchantments from Augmentation, but stacks normally with other resistances.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250/850 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the endurance regeneration of the wearer. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[braid of the Maw|encroaching_tides]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Duration of [[Pervasion]] RISE increased by 40%. Duration of HYDRA and FLOOD increased by 10%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[lightning eagle cuff|enhanced_shin]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increase the chance of [[Shindo]] ANNIHILATE throwing someone from the room. Increase the length of
HAMSTRING duration by 5 seconds (when applied via THUNDERSTORM).
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[flying carpet|entourage_flight]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | When you fly all adventurers following along will follow into the air
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ring of endurance|endurance_regen]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250<br/>850
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the endurance regeneration of the wearer.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Ekanelian Jewel|enhanced_wormholes]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the time it takes for a Serpent to cancel or splice a wormhole. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the time it takes for a Serpent to cancel or splice a wormhole.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Offspring Talisman|faster_eq]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500<br/>1000  
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500/1000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the time it takes to recover equilibrium for the wearer (approx 15% for the level two power). This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Reduces the time it takes to recover equilibrium by 7/15%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[mouse baits|faster_commune]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 100<br/>300<br/>500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the balance time while extracting for the wearer, as well as increasing potential yields. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows a Jester to capture and train 1/2/3 extra suicide mice.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[painted lantern|faster_commune]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the balance time while harvesting plants or plant-based ingredients, as well as increasing potential yields. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Allows Shamans to commune and bind with spirits twice as fast
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Gloves of Extraction|faster_extract]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the balance time for inscribing tarot cards. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the balance time while extracting for the wearer, as well as increasing potential yields.  
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Gloves of Harvesting|faster_harvest]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the balance time while harvesting plants or plant-based ingredients, as well as increasing potential yields.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[quill of inscribing|faster_inscribe]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the balance time for inscribing tarot cards.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Intellect Crown|faster_mindlock]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the time required to mind lock an opponent by approximately 40%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the time required to mind lock an opponent by approximately 40%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[matrix of primal energy|faster_prevail]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 1000
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to cast firelashes and conjure firewalls. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases speed of PREVAIL by 30%
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[black stone seal|faster_terminus]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400</br>700
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300/400/500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power doubles/triples/quadruples the capacity of one's liquid rift. This artefact power only functions for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Reduce cooldown on [[Terminus]] PURGE by 50% (level 1) and 95% (level 2)
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Bracers of Flame|fire_mastery]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to FLY. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to cast firelashes and conjure firewalls.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[rift|fluid_expansion]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300<br/>400<br/>500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 1000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to FREEZE GROUND, FREEZE targets, conjure icewalls to block entry and exit, and CAST DEEPFREEZE, which will freeze all personal enemies in the current room. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Doubles/triples/quadruples the capacity of one's liquid rift.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[tooth of Parililos|fluvial_fury]]
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400/800/1600 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the damage from a Monk's punches by 15/25/35%, as well as the damage from a Metamorph's Maul ability by 10/15/20%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases damage of [[Pervasion]] abilities by 5%
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Bracers of Frost|frost_mastery]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 1000
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power approximately halves the time it takes a bard to CALL their HARMONICs.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to FREEZE GROUND, FREEZE targets, conjure icewalls to block entry and exit, and CAST DEEPFREEZE, which will freeze all personal enemies in the current room.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[furnishing mallet|furniture_repair]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300/850 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power bestows one/two level(s) of health regeneration on the wearer. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Extend life of furniture once per day for free.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ponderous plume|glide]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500/1000/2000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the health gained from sipping a health elixir by 10/20/30%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Gives access to [[Dragoncraft]] GLIDE ability
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Prosperian attractor|gold_attractor]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the health and movement speed of an Alchemist's homunculus.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Gold dropped by denizens goes directly into inventory of killer
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[preserved hand|grasping_death]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to CONJURE ILLUSIONs in the current room. The item in question must be wielded for the artefact power to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases duration of [[Necromancy]] GRAVEHANDS by 50%
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[metal knuckles|hand_to_hand]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400<br/>800<br/>1600
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200/400/800 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the number of imprints that a hypnotist can store by 3/6/9.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the damage of Monk's punches by 15/25/35%, as well as the damage of Metamorph's Maul ability by 10/15/20%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[golden pendulum|harmonics_call]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500/1250/2500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the intelligence of the wearer by 1/2/3 points. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Approximately halves the time it takes a bard to CALL their HARMONICs.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ring of vitality|health_regen]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300<br/>850
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power removes the cost of a Jester's WISHing for props. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Bestows level one/two health regeneration on the wearer.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Mayan ring|health_sip]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500<br/>1000<br/>2000
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to LEAP into an adjacent room over obstacles such as walls. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases health gained from sipping a health elixir by 10/20/30%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Talisman of Greater Cultivation|homunculus_boost]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to use the LIFEVISION ability. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the health and movement speed of an Alchemist's homunculus.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Staff of Illusion|illusion]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400/800/1600 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the magical damage its wearer deals by 10/15/20%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to CONJURE ILLUSIONs in the current room.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[hypnosis fetishes|imprint_capacity]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200<br/>400<br/>800
| bgcolor=#999999 | 700 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power offers its wearer a 15% resistance to magical damage. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the number of imprints that a hypnotist can store by 3/6/9.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[smouldering ember|incandescent_might]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 600
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300/850 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power offers the wearer one/two level(s) of mana regeneration. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases damage of [[Ignition]] abilities by 8%
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[bronze cowbell|increased_milk]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500/1000/2000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the mana gained by sipping a mana elixir by 10/20/30%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases chance of gathering milk when [[Gathering]] from farms in wilderness.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[shiny charm|insidious_gaze]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 100/300/500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the number of mindprints that a telepath can store by 3/6/9. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Hypnosis]] trance completes 30% faster
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[seal of the devout|inspired]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200/350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the owner to own one/two extra mine(s). This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Doubles duration of [[Devotion]] INSPIRATION and Wrath for [[Excision]] DAWNHAND and FERVOUR
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Epicurean Sash|intelligence]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500<br/>1250<br/>2500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the intelligence of the wearer by 1/2/3 points.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[sand-worn bandolier|jars_capacity]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases [[Memorium]] blood jar capacity by 3
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 100/300/500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows a Jester to capture and train 1/2/3 extra suicide mice. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[golden cube|jester_props]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power removes the cost of a Jester's WISHing for props.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the number of outfits that one can store by five. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[focusing lens|lastlogin]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | LASTLOGIN <player> on mutal allies to see when they were last around in Achaea.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[chitin greaves|leap]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to LEAP into an adjacent room over obstacles such as walls.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[mask of lifevision|lifevision]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to use the LIFEVISION ability.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Collar of Ceylon|magic_damage]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400<br/>800<br/>1600
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the magical damage its wearer deals by 10/15/20%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Ring of the Magus|magic_defence]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 700
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power offers its wearer a 15% resistance to magical damage.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ring of meditation|mana_regen]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300<br/>850
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power offers the wearer level one/two mana regeneration.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ring of Noxtra|mana_sip]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500<br/>1000<br/>2000
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the mana gained by sipping a mana elixir by 10/20/30%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[wicked scalpel|master_cultivator]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Equivalent of always having germinated nucleus on hand
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ampoule of starlight|master_of_science]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Cuts cooldown on switching between [[Sublimation]] and [[Formulation]] to one hour, removes lesson cost to do so
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Bands of Mind Distension|mindprint_capacity]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 100<br/>300<br/>500
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the number of mindprints that a telepath can store by 3/6/9.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[prospector's references|mine_capacity]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200<br/>350
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the owner to own one/two extra mine(s).
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[pink lotus blossom|monk_switch]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Switch without lesson cost between [[Shikudo]] and [[Tekura]] once every 12 hours
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[mouse baits|mouse_lure]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 100<br/>300<br/>500
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows a Jester to capture and train 1/2/3 extra suicide mice.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[upright travelling trunk|outfit_expansion]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the number of outfits that one can store by five.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[spider-silk tether|pacing]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Allows use of [[Subterfuge]] Pacing ability, following a person who sprints or gallops away
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[prismatic lantern|portal_identify]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows its holder to identify the location at the other end of a portal when PROBEd, as well as who created the portal.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows its holder to identify the location at the other end of a portal when PROBEd, as well as who created the portal.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[gaze of the Cacharann|primordial_fury]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to MOUNT their steed more swiftly, and to VAULT without a balance cost. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Duration of [[Sculpting]] TITAN increased by 5 seconds, cooldown reduced by 30%
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[writ of Dameron|profane_interlocutor]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300</br>500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increase covenant slots by [[writ of Dameron|one]] (level 1) and [[writ of Glaaki|two]] (level 2) respectively
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[psionic flame|psionic_projection]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases number of swaps with [[Psionics]] PROJECTION before it vanishes by 2
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[glass rose|pure_song]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Improves passive [[composition]] song effects, excluding bhajan and elegy
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[mithril spurs|quickmount]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to MOUNT their steed more swiftly, and to VAULT without a balance cost.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[gem of haematite with elemental facets|rapid_resonation]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 400
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Halves equilibrium cost of [[Crystalism]] embedding.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Robes of the Magi|reduce_mana]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 1000
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the mana cost of most abilities by one-third.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Sailor's Decree|remote_seafaring]]
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Change seafaring speciality at will
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 1000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the mana costs of most abilities by one-third. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Mayan Bracelets|reserves]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350<br/>700<br/>1400
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the health and mana reserves of the wearer by 5/10/15%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 1000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power reduces the endurance costs of most abilities by one-third. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[ephemeral shuttle|resilient_miriads]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases number of hits to disperse miriad when used via [[Emulation]] INDOMITABILITY
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350/700/1400 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the health and mana reserves of the wearer by 5/10/15%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Prospero's Lesser Vault|rift_expand]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350<br/>500
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power doubles/quadruples the amount of riftables (excluding liquids) that one can store in the rift.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350/500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power doubles/quadruples the amount of riftables (excepting liquids) that one can store in the rift. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[furnisher's awl|sampling]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases number of furnishing materials gathered from around the land.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power doubles the number of schematics that a Magi can store for their golem.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Bracers of the Phoenix|shin_drain]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Slows the rate at which Shin decays for a blademaster.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power slows the rate at which Shin decays for a blademaster. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[smuggler's crate|shipcomm_expansion]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200<br/>400<br/>600
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases rift capacity for [[commodities]] by 500, 1000, 1500
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to use the SHROUD ability. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[shadowcloak|shroud]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to use the SHROUD ability.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 2000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power functions like a [[Veil of the Sphinx]], making most attempts to locate them without a Veil fail. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item, and must be worn for the protection to take effect. You can still locate others with the item in your inventory. This artefact power only functions for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[synaptic lock|silent_telepathy]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Target will not be alerted when [[Telepathy]] MINDLOCK breaks. Offers drainless MIND CLOAK.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power prevents one from being knocked sideways by the wind when FLYing. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[sorcerer's notebook|sorcerous_insight]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Doubles length of elemental treaties and increases health of all smooned elementals
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to STING their enemies, delivering the loki venom. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect. This artefact power only functions for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Veil of the Sphinx|sphinx]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 2000
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Protects its owner from locating abilities, unless the person attempting to locate also owns the sphinx artefact power.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Brooch of the Tempest|stability]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power prevents one from being knocked sideways by the wind when FLYing.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Scorpion's Tail|sting]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power enables the wearer to STING their enemies, delivering the loki venom.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[urn of Annwynian beeswax|stonewall_duration]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the length of time that the owner's STONEWALLs will remain before crumbling.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the length of time that the owner's STONEWALLs will remain before crumbling.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[miniature lightning rod|stormborn]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500/1250/2500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's strength by 1/2/3 points. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Doubles length of time before room loses charge for [[Weatherweaving]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Ogre's Gauntlets|strength]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500<br/>1250<br/>2500  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the wearer's strength by 1/2/3 points.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[orb of suppression|suppression]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Hides all artefacts in your inventory from onlookers, appraisers, and from being seen when worn or unworn.  
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[waterlogged gauntlet|surging_waves]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases maximum range of [[Emulation]] WAVESURGE by 2 rooms
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[bracelet of sustenance|sustenance]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 550
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power prevents the wearer from growing hungry or tired.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power will hide all artefacts in your inventory from onlookers, appraisers, and from being seen when worn or unworn.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[rough runestone|swift_runes]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Faster sketching and smudging of most ground runes
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 550 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power prevents the wearer from growing hungry or tired. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[spinning gyroscope|swift_predator]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Halves time to recover from use of TRACK ability ([[Dragoncraft]]/[[Metamorphosis]])
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the speed at which a Runewarden can sketch runes. This artefact power does not affect sketching on totems, nor does it affect the Thurisaz and Hugalaz runes.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[platinum prybar|skilled_disassemble]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Retain more commodities when DISASSEMBLING furniture
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[skull pendants|swiftcurse]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350/800/1600 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350<br/>800<br/>1600  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power extends the length of SWIFTCURSE by 2/4/6 extra curses.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power extends the length of SWIFTCURSE by 2/4/6 extra curses.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[moon-and-star insignia|symphonic_master]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200/500/1000 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the accuracy of Tekura punches and kicks by approximately 10/15/20%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Compose performances with additional movement
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Armbands of the Fist|tekura_accuracy]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200<br/>500<br/>1000  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the accuracy of Tekura punches and kicks by approximately 10/15/20%.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[encapsulated cyclone|tempestuous_will]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases [[Duress]] TORNADO and TAILWIND duration by 30%, EFFERVESCENCE by 40%
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[mote in a jar|tenacious_tarot]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 450
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increased duration of [[Tarot]] SUN and MOON
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[translucent pouch containing the sands of time|timeless_defiance]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | For [[Aeonics]] users, increases maximum age by 15%
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Tinkerer's kit|tinkering]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Can REPAIR and ENGRAVE jewellery, and to EMBROIDER clothing, without skill in [[Tailoring]] or [[Jewellery]].
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Runic Gauntlet|totems]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to REPAIR and ENGRAVE jewellery, and to EMBROIDER clothing, without skill in Tailoring or Jewellery. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Halves time when uprooting and implanting own totems, decreases time when uprooting someone else's by 25%
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[miniature toolkit|trapmaster]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 500
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power halves the time for one to uproot and implant their own totems, and decreases the time it takes to uproot another's totems by 25%. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Gives access to [[Woodlore]] TRAPS and DISARM abilities
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[edict of the Alcazar|tsunami_range]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300<br/>600
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power doubles the lifespan of Crystalism vibes, Harmonics, and Devotion rites.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases range of [[Pervasion]] TSUNAMI by 1, 2 rooms
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[silver tuning fork|tuning]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 200
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power doubles the yield of a toxicologist's venom production. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Doubles the lifespan of Crystalism vibes, Compositions, and Devotion rites.  
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[cracked wheel|unending_avalanche]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to sketch runes in watery environments.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases lifespan of [[Sculpting]] ROCKSLIDE rubble by 50%
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[morsel of bonemeal|unyielding_stone]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 600
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350/800 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Allows a Knight to change their Weaponmastery specialisation for free, once every 24/12 hours. This artefact power only works for the owner.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases limb damage of [[Sculpting]] POWDERISE by 10%
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Loki's Tear amulet|venom_yield]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 250
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows the wearer to see in and through blizzards. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Doubles the yield of a toxicologist's venom production.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[wax stick|water_sketch]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300/850 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the willpower regeneration of the wearer. This artefact power must be bestowed on a wearable item and must be worn to take effect.
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Sketch your runes in watery environments.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[insignia of mastery|weaponmastery_spec]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350<br/>800
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power allows one to WORM WARP and WORM SEEK.  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Allows knights to change Weaponmastery specialisation for free, once every 24/12 hours.
| bgcolor=#999999 | ''
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[hand mirrors|weaving_mastery]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350<br/>800<br/>1600
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350 credits
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Boosts weaving damage by 10%, 15%, or 20%
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[goggles of whitesight|whitesight]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 150
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Allows the wearer to see in and through blizzards.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Circlet of the Will|willpower_regen]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 300<br/>850
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | <div style="text-align: center;">Y</div>
| bgcolor=#999999 | Increases the willpower regeneration of the wearer.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[vibrating stick|wormholes]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 800
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | Allows one to WORM WARP and WORM SEEK.
| bgcolor=#999999 | [[Rakia's flame|wyvern_flame]]
| bgcolor=#999999 | 350  
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 |
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the speed at which a metamorph can SUMMON FLAME.
| bgcolor=#999999 | This artefact power increases the speed at which a metamorph can SUMMON FLAME.


Latest revision as of 21:30, 23 March 2025

Artefact powers are special enchantments purchased with credits, and bestowed upon items to give them specific powers from existing artefacts. Artefact powers can be purchased directly for an item, or consolidated amongst items and artefacts that already hold such powers. The known artefact powers are listed below.

Name Price Owner only Must be worn Description
alchemical_focus 500
Triples number of stacks from Alchemy SULPHUR and MERCURY and reduces chance for GOLD to fail when transferring willpower.
anti_spying 400
Protects from attempts to spy upon your person, including grove watch, mind listening, subterfuge, vodun and puppetry listen, and angel and baalzadeen mindread.
artistry_channels 400
Reduces channel time for artistry embellish from 3 to 2 second intervals
artistry_sessions 300
anti_web 800
Immune to the effect of adventurers' web tattoo, and immune to web bombs when they are detonated in the room.
banking 900
This artefact power allows access to all personal bank accounts from any location. This artefact power does not exempt its owner from bank fees.
batch_enchantments 300 This artefact power allows one to create enchantments in batches, up to five at a time.
battlerage_decay 350
Increases the length of time until the wearer's battlerage decays by five seconds.
battlerage_support 250
Increases the damage of conditional (affliction-based) battlerage attacks for the wearer's allies.
bomb_duplication 250
Has a chance to duplicate a Jester's bomb on creation.
bonding 500
This artefact power makes one immune to effects that revert a metamorph back into their racial form.
breathe_underwater 400
This artefact power functions much the same as prickly pear, allowing one to breathe and move about with ease underwater.
burrow 500
This artefact power allows one to BURROW underground.
celerity 500
This artefact power allows its wearer one additional movement per second before the movement penalty kicks in. It stacks with other bonuses such as the Mhun racial trait.
chivalric_rage 500
Grants additional 10 minutes of FURY per Achaean day.
class_switch_reduction 350
This artefact power reduces the cooldown on switching classes to one hour / ten minutes / one minute for its owner. It must be in your inventory at the time of the class switch to function.
commodity_market 200 This artefact power allows one to buy from and sell on the commodities market from anywhere.
conceal_illusions 500 This artefact power makes your illusions 33% less likely to be caught by those with the lifevision defence.
constitution 400
This artefact power increases the wearer's constitution by 1/2/3 points.
criticals 200
This artefact power increases the wearer's chance to land a critical hit by 2/4/6%.
dash 500
This artefact power enables the wearer to SPRINT and DASH at will, allowing for faster travel.
dauntless 250
This artefact power allows the owner to join and rejoin the Dauntless from anywhere at no cost, and prevents them from being removed from the organization automatically.
dexterity 500
This artefact power increases the wearer's dexterity by 1/2/3 points.
directory 350
Use the direction command from anywhere, for anywhere
elemental_resistances 600
This artefact power bestows resistance enchantments for cold, magic, fire and electrical type damages on an item. This artefact power does not stack with the resistance enchantments from Augmentation, but stacks normally with other resistances.
encroaching_tides 400
Duration of Pervasion RISE increased by 40%. Duration of HYDRA and FLOOD increased by 10%.
enhanced_shin 500
Increase the chance of Shindo ANNIHILATE throwing someone from the room. Increase the length of

HAMSTRING duration by 5 seconds (when applied via THUNDERSTORM).

entourage_flight 300
When you fly all adventurers following along will follow into the air
endurance_regen 250
This artefact power increases the endurance regeneration of the wearer.
enhanced_wormholes 350 This artefact power halves the time it takes for a Serpent to cancel or splice a wormhole.
faster_eq 500
Reduces the time it takes to recover equilibrium by 7/15%.
faster_commune 100
This artefact power allows a Jester to capture and train 1/2/3 extra suicide mice.
faster_commune 400
Allows Shamans to commune and bind with spirits twice as fast
faster_extract 300
This artefact power halves the balance time while extracting for the wearer, as well as increasing potential yields.
faster_harvest 300
This artefact power halves the balance time while harvesting plants or plant-based ingredients, as well as increasing potential yields.
faster_inscribe 250
This artefact power halves the balance time for inscribing tarot cards.
faster_mindlock 500 This artefact power reduces the time required to mind lock an opponent by approximately 40%.
faster_prevail 1000
Increases speed of PREVAIL by 30%
faster_terminus 400
Reduce cooldown on Terminus PURGE by 50% (level 1) and 95% (level 2)
fire_mastery 400
This artefact power allows the wearer to cast firelashes and conjure firewalls.
fluid_expansion 300
Doubles/triples/quadruples the capacity of one's liquid rift.
Increases damage of Pervasion abilities by 5%
frost_mastery 1000
This artefact power allows the wearer to FREEZE GROUND, FREEZE targets, conjure icewalls to block entry and exit, and CAST DEEPFREEZE, which will freeze all personal enemies in the current room.
furniture_repair 400
Extend life of furniture once per day for free.
glide 500
Gives access to Dragoncraft GLIDE ability
gold_attractor 200
Gold dropped by denizens goes directly into inventory of killer
grasping_death 200
Increases duration of Necromancy GRAVEHANDS by 50%
hand_to_hand 400
Increases the damage of Monk's punches by 15/25/35%, as well as the damage of Metamorph's Maul ability by 10/15/20%.
harmonics_call 250 Approximately halves the time it takes a bard to CALL their HARMONICs.
health_regen 300
Bestows level one/two health regeneration on the wearer.
health_sip 500
Increases health gained from sipping a health elixir by 10/20/30%.
homunculus_boost 250 Increases the health and movement speed of an Alchemist's homunculus.
illusion 500 This artefact power allows one to CONJURE ILLUSIONs in the current room.
imprint_capacity 200
Increases the number of imprints that a hypnotist can store by 3/6/9.
incandescent_might 600
Increases damage of Ignition abilities by 8%
increased_milk 300
Increases chance of gathering milk when Gathering from farms in wilderness.
insidious_gaze 500
Hypnosis trance completes 30% faster
inspired 350
Doubles duration of Devotion INSPIRATION and Wrath for Excision DAWNHAND and FERVOUR
intelligence 500
This artefact power increases the intelligence of the wearer by 1/2/3 points.
jars_capacity 300
Increases Memorium blood jar capacity by 3
jester_props 350
This artefact power removes the cost of a Jester's WISHing for props.
lastlogin 150
LASTLOGIN <player> on mutal allies to see when they were last around in Achaea.
leap 500
This artefact power allows the wearer to LEAP into an adjacent room over obstacles such as walls.
lifevision 500
This artefact power enables the wearer to use the LIFEVISION ability.
magic_damage 400
This artefact power increases the magical damage its wearer deals by 10/15/20%.
magic_defence 700
This artefact power offers its wearer a 15% resistance to magical damage.
mana_regen 300
This artefact power offers the wearer level one/two mana regeneration.
mana_sip 500
This artefact power increases the mana gained by sipping a mana elixir by 10/20/30%.
master_cultivator 500
Equivalent of always having germinated nucleus on hand
master_of_science 500
Cuts cooldown on switching between Sublimation and Formulation to one hour, removes lesson cost to do so
mindprint_capacity 100
This artefact power increases the number of mindprints that a telepath can store by 3/6/9.
mine_capacity 200
This artefact power allows the owner to own one/two extra mine(s).
monk_switch 350
Switch without lesson cost between Shikudo and Tekura once every 12 hours
mouse_lure 100
This artefact power allows a Jester to capture and train 1/2/3 extra suicide mice.
outfit_expansion 150
This artefact power increases the number of outfits that one can store by five.
pacing 500
Allows use of Subterfuge Pacing ability, following a person who sprints or gallops away
portal_identify 350 This artefact power allows its holder to identify the location at the other end of a portal when PROBEd, as well as who created the portal.
primordial_fury 400
Duration of Sculpting TITAN increased by 5 seconds, cooldown reduced by 30%
profane_interlocutor 300
Increase covenant slots by one (level 1) and two (level 2) respectively
psionic_projection 500
Increases number of swaps with Psionics PROJECTION before it vanishes by 2
pure_song 500
Improves passive composition song effects, excluding bhajan and elegy
quickmount 500
This artefact power allows the wearer to MOUNT their steed more swiftly, and to VAULT without a balance cost.
rapid_resonation 400
Halves equilibrium cost of Crystalism embedding.
reduce_mana 1000
This artefact power reduces the mana cost of most abilities by one-third.
Change seafaring speciality at will
reserves 350
This artefact power increases the health and mana reserves of the wearer by 5/10/15%.
resilient_miriads 500
Increases number of hits to disperse miriad when used via Emulation INDOMITABILITY
rift_expand 350
This artefact power doubles/quadruples the amount of riftables (excluding liquids) that one can store in the rift.
sampling 300
Increases number of furnishing materials gathered from around the land.
shin_drain 250
Slows the rate at which Shin decays for a blademaster.
shipcomm_expansion 200
Increases rift capacity for commodities by 500, 1000, 1500
shroud 800
This artefact power enables the wearer to use the SHROUD ability.
silent_telepathy 500
Target will not be alerted when Telepathy MINDLOCK breaks. Offers drainless MIND CLOAK.
sorcerous_insight 350
Doubles length of elemental treaties and increases health of all smooned elementals
sphinx 2000
Protects its owner from locating abilities, unless the person attempting to locate also owns the sphinx artefact power.
stability 150
This artefact power prevents one from being knocked sideways by the wind when FLYing.
sting 800
This artefact power enables the wearer to STING their enemies, delivering the loki venom.
stonewall_duration 200 This artefact power increases the length of time that the owner's STONEWALLs will remain before crumbling.
stormborn 300
Doubles length of time before room loses charge for Weatherweaving
strength 500
This artefact power increases the wearer's strength by 1/2/3 points.
suppression 500 Hides all artefacts in your inventory from onlookers, appraisers, and from being seen when worn or unworn.
surging_waves 500
Increases maximum range of Emulation WAVESURGE by 2 rooms
sustenance 550
This artefact power prevents the wearer from growing hungry or tired.
swift_runes 350
Faster sketching and smudging of most ground runes
swift_predator 500 Halves time to recover from use of TRACK ability (Dragoncraft/Metamorphosis)
skilled_disassemble 150
Retain more commodities when DISASSEMBLING furniture
swiftcurse 350
This artefact power extends the length of SWIFTCURSE by 2/4/6 extra curses.
symphonic_master 500
Compose performances with additional movement
tekura_accuracy 200
This artefact power increases the accuracy of Tekura punches and kicks by approximately 10/15/20%.
tempestuous_will 500
Increases Duress TORNADO and TAILWIND duration by 30%, EFFERVESCENCE by 40%
tenacious_tarot 450
Increased duration of Tarot SUN and MOON
timeless_defiance 350
For Aeonics users, increases maximum age by 15%
tinkering 800
Can REPAIR and ENGRAVE jewellery, and to EMBROIDER clothing, without skill in Tailoring or Jewellery.
totems 350
Halves time when uprooting and implanting own totems, decreases time when uprooting someone else's by 25%
trapmaster 500
Gives access to Woodlore TRAPS and DISARM abilities
tsunami_range 300
Increases range of Pervasion TSUNAMI by 1, 2 rooms
tuning 200 Doubles the lifespan of Crystalism vibes, Compositions, and Devotion rites.
unending_avalanche 350
Increases lifespan of Sculpting ROCKSLIDE rubble by 50%
unyielding_stone 600
Increases limb damage of Sculpting POWDERISE by 10%
venom_yield 250
Doubles the yield of a toxicologist's venom production.
water_sketch 300 Sketch your runes in watery environments.
weaponmastery_spec 350
Allows knights to change Weaponmastery specialisation for free, once every 24/12 hours.
weaving_mastery 350
Boosts weaving damage by 10%, 15%, or 20%
whitesight 150
Allows the wearer to see in and through blizzards.
willpower_regen 300
Increases the willpower regeneration of the wearer.
wormholes 800 Allows one to WORM WARP and WORM SEEK.
wyvern_flame 350 This artefact power increases the speed at which a metamorph can SUMMON FLAME.