Second Delosian Talisman Shop

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An oddly octagonal shop smelling of aged parchment and menthol, the Second Delosian Talisman Shop is a furniture-bedecked store located in Delos, to the south of its predecessor The Delosian Talisman Shop. Run by Merentesh, the shop sells talisman artefacts rare and in their whole form:

Invasion Talismans

Name Price Details
brick of slow melting ice 1300cr POINT this in a direction and a reoccuring icewall shall form.
crumpled scouting map 1600cr Scout your surroundings, showing adventurers in adjacent rooms.
reinforced battering ram 500cr Smash through a stonewall or icewall and immediately charge into the target's location, knocking them prone.
steel caltrop 900cr Thrown on the ground to harm adventurers.
iron cauldron 1500cr Place a firewall at every exit of a location.
hag's eye 350cr See who sent a portal and to what room it leads.

Planes Talismans

Name Price Details
icon statuette 1200cr Offers a random level one boon to base statistics.
mirror of Fae perception 700cr Enhances the Farsight ability, seeing a count of who stands in the target's room.
jar of withered brains 600cr Inflicts temporary insanity.
cowculator carving 150cr A pocket calculator.
massive iron gateway 350cr Opens a gateway between planes, permitting inter-dimensional travel.
pageless book 500cr Open in a room that has been destroyed by a hostile tank to reveal the identities of those who participated.
celestial coronet 1000cr Allows wearer to swap places with their followers if they die to a denizen, and die in their stead.
jagged claw 1200cr Point at a mutual ally and sync enemy lists.
crystal sword 2500cr Level 3 bastard sword that disrupts harmonics and vibrations in a location.

Races Talismans

Name Price Details
crystalline panpipes 600cr Control the next dream someone sees when they sleep, and force sleep or strip insomnia.
bottled siren's song 700cr Targets no longer consider bearer an enemy, and briefly become unable to reconsider the owner an enemy.
dwarven lodestone 300cr Drop in a mine and all miners receive increased experience.
piece of horkval chitin 500cr Transfer endurance between adventurers.
figurine of the suffering Maya 2500cr Allows excess damage from the largest critical hits to carry over to the next attack.
demolition sphere 800cr Destroy all icewalls, stonewalls, and lightwalls in a location.
flattened frogskin 1200cr Grants grook racial health regeneration to its wearer
collapsable catapult 900cr Fling someone a very long distance through the air.
shamanistic rattle 400cr Grants limited, but powerful control over the weather.
glistening arachnid eye 300cr Feed to a mount to bestow a targeted trample ability.

Elemental Talismans

Name Price Details
miniature air elemental 60cr A minipet, part of the domesticated collecion.
warblefish's jawbone 200cr Projects the next phrase you say after OPENing it to all who are underwater with you, in your room or otherwise.
tiny phial filled with Tears of the Sea 300cr POURing this phial into fresh water will convert it to salt water, and vice versa.
mineral-encrusted shovel 375cr Can DIG up all adventurers in your room who are BURROWed deeper than 1 level.
dripping mud bomb 700cr Everyone in the room when this is THROWN will experience increased balance knocks for trying to FLY.
seared glyph 850cr ATTACHes to a Shield of Absorption or its corresponding paragon, and occasionally lashes out with fire after absorbing enough hits from denizens.
stratospheric harness 1700cr SHAKE harness in an associated region and you will capture its far-flung windstreams, which you can later use to travel to far-off islands.
armoured charge tank 1350cr Slowly collects charges from slain denizens, which can be converted into destructive power or may discharge in a room to give all present increased experience.
Sceptre of Aqueous Mastery 2000cr May be used to part the waters in a room, or CAST FLOOD to fill a room with water.