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Sprites are fantastical, pixie-like creatures. Most make their home on the enchanted fairy plane of Annwyn, but one playful sprite makes her home in Sea Lion Cove.

During the Conclave Reckoning sprites (short name: elementsprite) could also be obtained as talisman minipets, with adventurers declaring for Yudhishthira able to obtain roiling fire sprites and those loyal to Maklak able to obtain dainty ice sprites.

Sprites sometimes escape the faerie plane to roam the world, playing tricks on adventurers. They love running, but hate being caught, an act which may yield shining teardrops from them.


(1) an elemental sprite's legs, level 1
(1) an elemental sprite's arms, level 1
(1) an elemental sprite's head, level 1
(1) an elemental sprite's torso, level 1