Disc of the Nocturne

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Revision as of 02:57, 8 June 2024 by Asmodron (talk | contribs) (The Disc is long since gone so I updated. Mentions that the worshipers lived "under" Hashan is badly framed; Fixed it. Removed "Edit needed".)
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The Disc of the Nocturne was an ancient artefact used by a now dispersed cult of night worshipers that once lived where present-day Hashan stands. Possession of the Disc eventually came to be in the hands of Hashan's citizenry, and it was moved by Hashan's Matron from its crumbling temple home off of Ereptor Street in the southeastern portion of the city to the Dome of the Triad.

The old cult had used the Disc to track the movement of the planets Noxtra, Lunastra, and Somnustra, for their positions in the sky dictated which aspect of Night was ascendant during any particular planetary configuration.

For a time, Hashan adapted this practice in its method of choosing its Patrons, switching between Twilight, Ourania, and Valnurana, depending on which God's respective "Travelling Star" was dominant.

The Disc was again transferred a second time by Tavarius during the Eternal Night Saga to the top of the newly built Planetarium of the Crown. Following the disastrous events of the Eternal Night, the gates to the planetarium would be sealed to the public. Roughly in the year 580 AF, the planetarium was renovated and refurbished as access was restored to it and the Disc. The ancient relic would at last meet its end following a large quake that struck the planetarium, with the Disc being either destroyed or lost.