
Gigantic, burrowing wyrms, the once flightless Dala'myrr held dominion over the interior of the planet Krenindala whilst the Greater Dragons, their spiritual corollary and enemies, ruled its skies. Existing in uneasy balance with dragons for eons, the Dala'myrr were attended by the lizard-like ormyrr which they evolved from.

After the ormyrr captured the Human Elara during her search to find Lysithea, they relinquished her piece of the Sceptre of Divinity to the Dala'myrr. The Dala'myrr used it to gave themselves the power to "burrow through air", that is, the power of flight. With this new advantage, they quickly overran the planet, nearly eradicating the race of Greater Dragons.

The singular purpose of the Dala'myrr was to summon the purported soul of their race, a dangerous entity which they called Bal'met.