Stratospheric harness

Revision as of 17:57, 18 July 2024 by Halos (talk | contribs) (shortname)

The much-coveted stratospheric harness (short name: harness) is a talisman artefact of rare equipage which can be shaken in an associated region to magically capture the far-flung windstreams. These immense forces allow one to quickly travel to nearby (and fairly distant) isles. The western windstream encompasses and allows travel to Tuar, Tapoa, and Ageiro whilst the eastern windstream allows breezy transit to Zanzibaar, Clockwork Isle, Colchis, and Umbrin. Finally, riding the blistering northern windstream grants polar passage to the distant islands of Karbaz, Suliel, and Ilyrean Isle.


(1) The straps for a stratospheric harness, level 1
(1) The glyphs for a stratospheric harness, level 1
(1) The enchantment for a stratospheric harness, level 1
(1) The buckles for a stratospheric harness, level 1