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|[[Paragon u-notch pry tool]]
|[[Paragon u-notch pry tool]]
|Able to remove paragons, this is a non-decaying version of a normal [[pry]] bar
|Able to remove paragons, this is a non-decaying version of a normal pryall

Revision as of 19:15, 18 July 2024

The Artefact Armour Shop is located in Delos. Practice dummies and armour-wearing mannequins posed in various battle stances brace its glass shop counter. Polygonal gemstones gleam from its many shelves, the strange wares casting a multicoloured illumination throughout store interior. Run by Merentesh, the shop sells the following Artefact Armour upgrades:

Artefact Armour Pieces

Rondels make armour into artefact armour whilst pry tools remove paragons from embrasure slots.

Name Price Details
Gilded rondel 350cr Expands embrasures by one, adds non-decay, resetting
Sun and starburst rondel 850cr Expands embrasures by two, adds non-decay, resetting
Paragon u-notch pry tool 250cr Able to remove paragons, this is a non-decaying version of a normal pryall


Paragons fit into armour embrasure slots to convey abilities and resistances.

Name Price Details
Vinaceous paragon 500cr Bonus resist vs cutting type damage (5%)
Fuscous paragon 500cr Bonus resist vs blunt type damage (5%)
Oleaginous paragon 400cr Bonus resist vs fire damage (7%)
Cyaneous paragon 400cr Bonus resist vs cold type damage (7%)
Citreous paragon 450cr Bonus resistance vs magic damage (7%)
Caliginous paragon 400cr Bonus resist vs electric damage (7%)
Viridescent paragon 500cr Bonus resist vs poison type damage (7%)
Piceous paragon 500cr Bonus resist vs asphyxiation type damage (7%)
Aurous paragon 750cr Bonus resist vs psychic damage (7%)
Resonate metalliferous paragon 750cr offers a shifting bonus resistance (7.5%)
Rufescent paragon 400cr Grants damage boost versus the last person who killed the wearer.
Niveous paragon 400cr A portion of incoming damage from denizens is returned as endurance.
Serendipitous paragon 400cr A portion of incoming damage from denizens is returned as willpower.
Crucious paragon 1000cr On a per-crit basis, boosts crit multiplier
Auspicious isosagon paragon 1000cr 20% chance to increase critical hits by one level.
Prismatic paragon 900cr Raises prismatic barrier when below 25% health from denizen attack.
Torpous paragon 300cr doubles endurance/willpower regeneration during sleep/meditation
Cupreous paragon 250cr Turns armour into 20-item capacity container. Basically pockets on your armour!
Luteous dodecahedron paragon 400cr Level two version of the cupreous paragon. Stasis applied to container effect.
Aenaeous paragon 1000cr Shield of Absorption effect. Does not stack with Shield of Absorption item.
Nacreous tetrahedral paragon 800cr Level 1 morphing paragon. Can change armour type every 24 Achaean days.
Nacreous octahedral paragon 1200cr Level 2 morphing paragon. Can change armour type every 12 Achaean days.
Nacreous deltahedral paragon 1900cr Level 3 morphing paragon. Change armour type up to 6 times per day.
Euphonious paragon 500cr Discuss with denizens to find out where they return to and how often.

DISCUSS <denizen>