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Mhaldor Supplies is one of the many shops owned by Drogo. Standing in the market district of Mhaldor's Circle of Damnation, the establishment sells various inks, vials, and other adventurer essentials.


Thick scroll of vellum - 500gp
This scroll is made out of thick, expensive-looking vellum. The entire surface is covered in tightly packed glyphs, with the occasional line of some arcane script seemingly interjected at random.
Glass phial - 50gp
This phial is formed from opaque glass. The top is tightly sealed with a stopper, preventing anything that may be inside from escaping or being exposed to the air.
Stygian vial - 400gp
Polished to a glossy smoothness, the surface of this vial shines with an oily sheen. Painted against the black backdrop, a towering crimson-skinned daemon glares with undisguised malice, his wiry muscles tensed for action. Bat-like wings unfurled and wicked talons gleaming, the image perfectly captures the creature's hatred for mortalkind, barely contained anger evident in every stroke of the brush. A silvery pentagram graces the rounded stopper, a symbol of domination over the minions of the inferno.
Oaken vial - 300gp
The oaken vial is carved into the shape of a fist, with the top being the thumb.
Black-walnut vial - 300gp
The black-walnut vial seems to be extremely heavy, with an extremely thick wall.
fractured steel vial - 400gp
Finely etched with the unmistakable silhouette of Baelgrim Fortress, this battered vial stubbornly refuses to relinquish the signs of its expert craftsmanship. Deep cracks and sharply edged dents mar the surface, but the image of the five ominous spires endures, each twisting sinuously as it ascends. Whorls of gold trace a dizzying pattern along the base and rim, their meandering path made infinitely more intricate as it skirts protrusions and jagged edges in the metal. Cut from soft cork, the stopper forms the shape of a clenched fist rising high above the tortured landscape.
Red ink - 20gp
The ink is completely dry and crushed into an extremely fine powder. It has been baked into the shape of a tiny pellet for ease of handling and transportation.
Blue ink - 40gp
The ink is completely dry and crushed into an extremely fine powder. It has been baked into the shape of a tiny pellet for ease of handling and transportation.
Yellow ink - 80gp
The ink is completely dry and crushed into an extremely fine powder. It has been baked into the shape of a tiny pellet for ease of handling and transportation.
Green ink - 160gp
The ink is completely dry and crushed into an extremely fine powder. It has been baked into the shape of a tiny pellet for ease of handling and transportation.
Purple ink - 250gp
The ink is completely dry and crushed into an extremely fine powder. It has been baked into the shape of a tiny pellet for ease of handling and transportation.
Deck of tarot cards - 60gp
The tarot deck is quite thin and made of ivory. Looking inside, you see that there are nine dividers, creating space for ten kinds of tarot cards.
Jet-black falconry glove - 400gp
The thickly padded leather of this glove is dyed as black as pitch and extends up the forearm to provide protection against the unforgiving grip of steel talons. A series of ebon metallic buttons fasten the hide securely from underneath. Over the wrist is a crimson pentagram, placed where a knight's falcon would perch. A small depiction of a viciously barbed pit fiend is stitched on the back of the hand, outlined in dull shades of grey.
Copper alembic - 100gp
Crafted from beaten and polished copper, this ornate alembic is moulded into an obscure shape. A large spherical base extends upwards to form a deep bowl, and a pair of sturdy handles are affixed to the rim. Securely fastened around the lip is a harshly pointed lid, its tip thinning into a narrow tube that descends to half the height of the structure, leading into a smaller accompanying vessel.
Studded black leather scabbard - 500gp
Sturdy leather, dyed a deep and stygian black, enfolds this scabbard in shadow. Midway along its length an elaborate escarbuncle is painstakingly tooled in a swirling, masterful pattern and painted with a bloody red hue to mark it as an official instrument of the City of Mhaldor. Directly below this design, small glossy brass studs run down the scabbard in an orderly line, a nod to the seven Truths of Evil. Thickly stitched seams and the solid feel of the tempered steel underneath speak of durability and practicality in battle. Adjustable leather straps allow for ease of positioning on the hip and a wide, angled mouth permits quick access to the weapon within.
Blank tarot card - 20gp
About eight inches long, four inches wide, and perhaps a couple millimetres thick, this card is blank, but has a faint aura around it, apparently used for some mystical purpose.
Blank stencil - 25gp
The waxy surface of this square scrap of parchment has been specially prepared to hold the ink of a fully formed magical tattoo for later application, though it is currently blank.