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Commodities, or "comms" for short, are all natural goods and raw materials, sold in "commshops" around the villages of Sapience.

If a commodity is sold out or nearly sold out, at next restocking the price increases. Similarly, if a commodity is not being sold, the price may decrease.


There are a select few types of commodities, however each is equality important, if not in value, but in demand.

Steel -
A silvery-grey mined metal used for forging.
Wood -
Deadfall from trees, used for puppets, campfires, totems, forging and many other uses.
Iron -
A dull, rough metal, used for traps and forging.
Leather -
Hide used for tailoring, forging and more.
Coal -
Chalky black rock used to start a forge.
Obsidian -
A sharp, ebony black stone. Used for enchantments and forging.
Cloth -
Spun cloth, used for tailoring, forging, puppetry and much more.
Rope -
Sturdy lengths of entwined rope, used for traps, pranks and more.
Ice -
bluish elemental ice. Used in enchantments. Formerly required during landmarking season.
Silver -
A shimmering, grey pure metal.
Gold -
A yellow pure metal.
Gems -
A handful of colourful jewels, used for jewellery crafting.
Platinum -
A silver-white metal of great worth.
Bone -
Polished bones from an unknown being. Primarily used by jewellery crafters.

Village Commodity Shops

Commodities are found in villages around Sapience. They are primarily brought from these villages and sold between cities and adventurers.

Aalen Forest

Up in the Tsol'aa commodity store.

  • Produces: Wood, cloth, ice.

Blackrock mining stockroom.

  • Produces: Iron, gold, gems, platinum.
Dun Barony

Trampled path behind village.

  • Produces: Gold, bone, silver.

el'Jazira's auction grounds.

  • Produces: Leather, rope.

Southern Warehouse.

  • Produces: Leather, rope.

Storage chamber.

  • Produces: Steel, iron, coal, gold, silver, gems.

Shastaan market.

  • Produces: Cloth.

Central Fountain of The Thalassa Market.

  • Produces: Wood, cloth.
Thalagor Fortress

Northern edge of the village square.

  • Produces: Steel, iron, coal.

A small market.

  • Produces: Wood, leather, obsidian, platinum.

City Commodity Shops

City commshops buy and sell commodities. They are generally markedup prices, due to the commodities originally coming from the villages. City commshops generally sell most, if not all commodities available in the lands.


Northeast of Central Market.


Commodities Shop.


Eleusian Trading Post.


North of the Bazaar.


Warehouse interior.


Crossroads in the Medina.