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Cyrene was established before the days of Nicator and Seleucar, after the cities of Shallam and Ashtan. It had long been a hidden Utopia for those that were tried of the endless slaughter from the wars between the other cities and villages of Sapience. When Sarapis cast Varian, the Satus, out of Sapience and then split our world, a tremendous earthquake collapsed parts of the secret underground caverns through the Southern Vashnars that led to Cyrene, exposing it to the outside world. Cyrene was changed forever, but still holds strong to the beliefs that formed this city so long ago.

When the remainder of Sapience learned of our existence and began visiting our beautiful city, we found a need to put to stone the laws of our city. The following Twelve Tables form the foundation of all laws within Cyrene.

Similarities between this document and the Constitution of Shallam in no way infer ties between the two cities. It is further understood that one of the revisers of the Constitution of Shallam and the original drafter of The Twelve Tables share the same mind, so similarities will occur.

TABLE I. Citizens

All that show respect and honour toward the other mortals of Sapience are welcome. All that are willing to meet the call to duty, if Cyrene is placed in a position where it must defend itself, are welcome.

Those Loyal to Cyrene are Citizens.

Members of a House, Order, Clan or any organisation that has ideals in direct conflict with those of Cyrene are not welcome as citizens.

Those of the Order of Darkness are no exception to this rule.

Houses of Cyrene may hold their members to a stricter code, but they will not create more lenient laws.

Those who are members of a House of Cyrene, will through affiliation be covered by these tables.

Those who own shops within Cyrene will be covered by these tables.

TABLE II. Patricians

The Imperiate, Senators and Ministers compose the Patricians of Cyrene.

Patricians will set the appropriate example for all citizens to follow. They will always be courteous and respectful of other citizens and guests.

TABLE III. Imperiate

The Imperiate is the Senator selected by the seven Senators with a majority of four or more.

The Imperiate cannot be contested. Should the Imperiate choose to step down, one of the six other Senators will be selected.

If a majority of the Senators feel that the Imperiate is not properly representing the city, they are to approach the Patron and present their facts. If the Patron believes there is reason to find fault in the actions of the Imperiate, He/She will approach the Imperiate and afford the opportunity to answer the allegations. If a reasonable outcome cannot be reached and the Imperiate needs to be removed, the remaining six Senators will have to place their support behind one of themselves, and remove the Imperiate from their position of power.

TABLE IV. Senators

Three Senators are selected by popular vote of the citizens. The remaining four senators are appointed by the three most influential local houses at any given time, with the most influential house gaining two seats on the ruling council and the second and third most influential earning one seat each.

Those that feel an elected Senator has failed to perform his/her duties must show cause by clearly stating their reasons for wishing to contest the Senator upon the Cyrene Board. Responses to this post are allowed, as long as they maintain the utmost in courtesy and respect. Once that scroll is completed, then the individual must receive confirmation from the Imperiate. This confirmation neither denies nor allows the contest, it is designed to provide the Imperiate a chance to discuss the situation with the citizen before the actual contest begins and possibly curtail unnecessary turmoil within the city. The citizen is free to contest after having met with the Imperiate.

Once the current Senator has been contested, anyone else that feels that they can better serve the people of Cyrene is welcome to contest.

Those that contest an elected Senator must place upon the Cyrene board their major goals and intentions for improvement.

If it is believed that an appointed senator has failed to perform his or her duties, those concerns should be brought forward to the House Leader for resolution before being placed before the city via our News. Ultimately, decisions related to appointed senators reside with the given local house.

All senators or those who contest for a senator seat must be over the age of 25 and must have been a Citizen of Cyrene for the previous 5 years.

All senators and those that wish to contest may not be married to an individual that belongs to an organisation that has beliefs that are in conflict with the beliefs of Cyrene.

TABLE V. Ministers

The Ministers will be selected by majority vote of the Senators.

The Ministers will diligently perform their duties.

No Minister will aide an individual that is currently an aide to another Minister without the express consent of the Imperiate.

The Imperiate may remove those Ministers that are either not performing their job, or unable to perform their job.

The Imperiate will solicit for a replacement upon the Cyrene Board for 6 months. Any citizen of Cyrene may apply to the Senate, by way of formal letter mailed to the Imperiate.

If for any reason the minister position should not remain vacant for this length of time, the Imperiate will select an interim minister, ensuring that this individual understands it is only until such time as the Senate has completed the selection process.

TABLE VI. Conduct


The Citizens of Cyrene will prove they are worthy of respect by showing respect to others in the following ways:

Citizens will not resort to petty name calling of each other, in any medium.

In discussion or disagreement with our enemies, whether public or private, we will refrain from pointless insults and name-calling. These are the tools of petty men.

We will not openly challenge our public officials or fellow citizens on the city channels. We will show them the respect of a private approach or tactful disagreement in the city news.

Friendly debate is permitted on the city channel, as long as the subject pertains to the city as a whole.

In times of occasional disagreement, one citizen will not bear arms against another, preferring instead to address any unresolvable grievances via our publicly elected officials.

Any disrespect to a God in a public medium will result in immediate removal from Cyrene.


The Citizens of Cyrene will be honourable at all times by adhering to the following guidelines:

We will not attack or act aggressively towards others unless we are provoked by physical or mental attack, ordered to combat by our ranking superiors, or defending our city and fellow citizens.

During times of openly declared conflict, we publicly identify our enemies and offer them reasonable terms for withdrawal so that unnecessary violence might be avoided at all costs.

Should a citizen commit an act so heinous that the disciplinary action results in shrubbing, that individual will be removed from Cyrene.

Should a citizen voice profanities so vulgar or persistant that the Divine see fit to take the individual's voice, that individual will be removed from Cyrene.

Should a citizen commit acts that a Divine sees fit to force upon them permanent grace, or other Divine punishment less that Shrubbing, then the individual's acts shall be reviewed by the Senators or the Imperiate, and appropriate punishment be awarded. Punishment for this may be outcitizening, or lesser.


It is the Duty of all citizens to assist, within their means, in the creation of Cyrene. Whether it be in the task of ratting to gain gold for our Coffers, or defending a fellow citizen attacked within the confines of our city.

It is the Duty of all citizens to report immediately any other citizen being attacked within the city.

It is the Duty of all citizens to report to a Senator any other citizen that they believe might be a member of an organisation whose ideals conflict with those or Cyrene.

Be especially cautious of those that hide in the shadows, they will twist the truth.

The Senators reserve the right to revoke the privilege of citizenship to anyone who chooses not to adhere to the above principles.

Any former citizen who wishes to appeal their removal from the City rolls may file their appeal with any Senator in the form of dove delivered written letter. The Senator who receives the letter will bring the appeal before the Council.

TABLE VII. Marriage and Family

Individuals married to a member of an organisation that has beliefs that conflict with the beliefs of Cyrene, or are family members of an organisation that has beliefs that conflict with those of Cyrene, must receive a majority approval of the Senate and Cyrene patron, prior to becoming a Patrician.

Citizens who intend to marry another citizen may do so freely and without hesitation.

Cyrene will not allow its sanctity to be compromised by any ties a citizen may have outside of the city.


Anyone standing in, flying above or tunneling below a location within the city, is considered to be within the boundaries of Cyrene.

No wormholes are allowed in Cyrene or within 3 steps of the city boundaries. Wormholes found to violate this present a clear defense risk and will be cancelled.

Anyone caught creating a wormhole within Cyrene will be asked to cease or they will be enemied. If they continue, they are to be enemied.

Citizens and guests of Cyrene are within their rights to protect themselves, or others being attacked within the city.

No citizen may be personally enemied by traps, vibes, rites or totems located within Cyrene.

Anyone caught stealing in Cyrene will be enemied.

Anyone caught exterminating within Cyrene will be enemied.

Entering a stockroom without invitation by the owner, or one of his aides, is considered an attempt to steal and the individual will be enemied.

The placement of Sigils will be approved by the Minister of Security. The removal of Sigils will be approved by the Minister of Security. Individuals that own a shop may place sigils in the shop or stockroom, at their discretion.

Anyone caught altering sigils without the approval of the Minister of Security will be enemied, until a fine is paid equivalent to the damage incurred.

Anyone found to be threatening the sanctity of Cyrene will be enemied for the protection of its citizens.

Anyone found to be a proven criminal, even if outside Cyrene, will be enemied on approval by the Senate and/or the Minister of Security.

The removal of enemy status is the responsibility of the Imperiate, Senators and Minister of Security. They will seek out to find why the individual was enemied and impose an appropriate punishment or fine.

TABLE IX. Murder or Attempted Murder

Attempted murder is an act that cannot be performed upon an individual who is blessed with divine grace by the Logos.

Anyone attempting to murder a citizen within the boundaries of Cyrene will be enemied immediately, regardless of their location at the time of the attempt.

Citizens will not attack or murder other citizens of Cyrene.

Citizens will not attack other Citizens, not even in jest. There have been too many instances where the joking around has gotten carried away, feelings hurt, and citizens start fighting amongst themselves. If you wish to participate in such antics, do them outside of Cyrene.

Citizens will not attack non-citizens without cause.

Be it known that when two tales differ, the tale of the Citizen shall receive more credibility.

Two non-citizens bringing their aggression and warring ways into our city will be asked to leave immediately. If they do not heed the request, they both can and will be enemied.

TABLE X. Treason

A citizen found to be providing information gathered from the Cyrene Board, the City Channel, or conversations between citizens that is detrimental to the well being of the city may be fined and/or enemied based on the severity of the breech.

Anyone having knowledge of treasonous activity is to report it to a Senator, who will then bring it to the attention of the Imperiate and the other Senators.

TABLE XI. Harassment

Citizens of Cyrene can expect to seek shelter in their city without fear of harassment. If you are unjustly harassed by a non-citizen, while you are within the city limits, politely tell the individual that you feelyou are being harassed and to please cease. If the individual continues, report the incident to a Senator immediately. The Senator will be responsible for investigating the incident further and determining if it requires action, and if so the necessity of Administrative intervention. HELP HARASSMENT may be relevant and serve as a guide in such incidents. Those found guilty of harassing a citizen, while they are in the city of Cyrene will be enemied.

Any attempt at blackmailing a citizen of Cyrene will be met with harsh fines and could include enemy status from the city, to be determined by the Senate in a majority vote.

TABLE XII. Amendments

When the need arises for a Table to be modified, the Senators will reach a majority. They will then post to the Cyrene board the proposed modification and solicit input from the Citizens. After 6 months, a revised amendment that takes in to consideration those suggestions received, will be placed upon the Cyrene board and a referendum opened to adopt or deny the amendment to the Tables. If adopted, then the Amendment will be scribed in Table XII until such time as the Tables are scribed by the city patron and the amendment can be included in the main part of the Tables.

Amendments to the Twelve Tables

Merchants while conducting bonafide business with a Cyrene citizen within Cyrene are given the protection afforded a citizen of Cyrene.

The Gods and Goddesses of Sapience or their followers, may request approval for their shrines to be erected within Cyrene. Shrines approved by the Senate will be protected by the laws of Cyrene. Those found defiling approved Shrines will be enemied. Shrines honouring the City Patron or a House Patron of a Cyrene House are pre-approved.

Those who break their oath to a Cyrene House may at the recommendation of said House to the Senate be permanently enemied to Cyrene by majority vote of the Senate. In an emergency, a Senator, or the MoS may city enemy someone with the Senate voting after.