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Show new changes starting from 02:14, 5 December 2024
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4 December 2024

     10:29  Precepts of Eleusis‎‎ 3 changes history −2,777 [Blackwillow‎ (3×)]
10:29 (cur | prev) −17 Blackwillow talk contribs
10:26 (cur | prev) +4 Blackwillow talk contribs
10:25 (cur | prev) −2,764 Blackwillow talk contribs
 m   06:47  Boomerang diffhist +50 Halos talk contribs syntax
     05:08  Sewers diffhist +141 Halos talk contribs targ does have sewers now, added ashtan note
     04:49  Popcorn garland diffhist +55 Halos talk contribs shortname
 m   04:48  Sticky taffy diffhist +23 Halos talk contribs
 m   04:47  Snowglobe of the Iron Alehouse diffhist +27 Halos talk contribs shortname
     04:47  Reusable snowball diffhist +26 Halos talk contribs shortname
     04:46  Steaming kettle of halfnog diffhist +25 Halos talk contribs
 m   04:46  Red and gold scarf diffhist +31 Halos talk contribs shortname
 m   04:45  Garnished Logosmas gifttag diffhist +25 Halos talk contribs shortname
     04:44  Bulging sack of snowflakes‎‎ 3 changes history +27 [Halos‎ (3×)]
04:44 (cur | prev) −31 Halos talk contribs
04:44 (cur | prev) +1 Halos talk contribs
04:44 (cur | prev) +57 Halos talk contribs syntax, shortname
     04:42  Category:Azatlan talisman set diffhist +177 Halos talk contribs year
 m   04:37  Reflex mallet diffhist +1 Halos talk contribs
 m   04:37  Owlish plume diffhist +162 Halos talk contribs clarity
     04:26  Mystical cards diffhist 0 Halos talk contribs
     04:25  Malvoc diffhist +127 Halos talk contribs