
Revision as of 11:45, 14 December 2015 by Halos (talk | contribs) (→‎Yabbahar's Wares)
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The apothecary Yabbahar lives on the island of Zanzibaar, where he sells a variety of unique, exotically-prepared inks, as well as the powdered henna used by Bansilia to create elaborate and decorative henna tattoos.

Cloaked in long robes of saffron and brown stripes and surrounded by the rich scent of myriad spices, Yabbahar is a thin merchant with a head of curly white hair. He has sharp facial features, of which his piercing blue eyes, long nose, and hollow, weathered cheeks are the most prominent. His bushy, white eyebrows are knitted together into a focused expression by the tight frown that wrinkles his forehead.

Yabbahar's Wares

Diamond dust - 95gp
Other than the fact that this dust shines and sparkles, it is otherwise much like sand.
Powdered golden ink - 425gp
A fine powder made from the dried stigmas of the saffron flower, this ink carries a reddish golden hue and is packed solidly into a small solid capsule for efficient storage.
Powdered ink made from crushed hibiscus flowers - 30gp
A fine powder made from hibiscus flowers, this ink carries a brilliant red hue and is packed solidly into a small solid capsule for efficient storage.
Powdered indigo ink - 50gp
A fine powder made from dried sea snails, this ink carries a dark indigo hue and is packed solidly into a small solid capsule for efficient storage.
Powdered ink made from dried lichen - 90gp
A fine powder made from a rare strain of lichen, this ink carries a pale yellow hue and is packed solidly into a small solid capsule for efficient storage.
Powdered ink with an astringent aroma - 175gp
A fine powder made from the dried leaves of nettles, this ink carries a pale green hue and is packed solidly into a small solid capsule for efficient storage.
Powdered ink made from crushed berries - 275gp
A fine powder made from dried, crushed berries, this ink carries a rich purple hue and is packed solidly into a small solid capsule for efficient storage.
Handful of powdered henna - 100gp
This powder is pale green in hue and has a strong, earthy aroma with a hint of lemon. Dry and finely ground, the powder clumps into small pieces but crumbles apart with the slightest touch.