Citadel of Prosperity

The Citadel of Prosperity was once the house hall of the Merchants of the Crown of Hashan. Predating their organizational shift, the Merchants were once known as The Sorcerors and would refer to the Citadel as the Tower of the Elements. After the Merchants left the city for Delos, and following the events of The Sundering, the citizens of the now Court of Shadows would seek to expand the city's library facilities. An expansion project began, with volumes from the current library allocated to the now-abandoned Citadel alongside new furnishings and renovations. Roughly in the year 721 AF, the expansion was complete and the Citadel of Prosperity became the primary housing facility for Hashan's library.

Ingae, the Court Librarian, would move with the library from the Crown Hall to the Citadel, where she would continue to tend to the library as well as provide a variety of teas and other wares for sale.

The Citadel's architecture consists of six levels within a large tower situated in the Epitine Circle district of Hashan. Chambers are placed throughout the tower, each themed towards celestial bodies or planar representation.