Translucent filter

Revision as of 20:33, 18 July 2024 by Halos (talk | contribs)

The bronze-framed translucent filter (short name: lorielan) is an extremely plain crystal spyglass. Clarifying nothing specifically, this filter offers truth in the mundanity of that which merely is.

Appearances may be deceiving; with a translucent filter one may observe someone in one's location to see some intimate information about them, including their precise character statistics such as level, class, health, mana, and proficiency in various racial languages. It does cost a brief (2.5s) balance on use, is considered an aggressive action. It is themed for the Elder God Lorielan.

OBSERVE [adventurer]


(1) the crystal for a translucent filter, level 1
(1) the bronze for a translucent filter, level 1
(1) the fitting for a translucent filter, level 1
(1) the polish for a translucent filter, level 1