
Revision as of 07:35, 5 December 2014 by Halos (talk | contribs) (temporary spiritlore page. I don't have the energy to go all out Sybilla style right now)
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Spiritlore is the shamanic art of binding ancient spirits to oneself in order to tap into powers of the Spirit Realm. Upon entering a trance, spirits may be bound, augmenting the Shaman's already impressive arsenal of abilities with new features, may of which echo abilities of other classes. Additionally, Shamans may invest a tribal totem (which is different from a runic totem) with a spiritual power to harm their foes.

Abilities in Runelore

Ability Description
Commune Commune with the spirits
Daina Daina, the Viridian
Jhulian Jhulian the Nomad
Arius Arius, the Hermit
Silvanix Silvanix, the Fool
Ri'shen Ri'Shen, the Master
Maligus Maligus, the Cleric
Aspar Aspar, the Iron Handed
Aelkesh Aelkesh, the Faceless
Teraile Teraile, the Swordsman
Arcanor Arcanor, the Sorcerer
Syvis Syvis, the Venomous
Marak Marak, the Eviscerator
Anthius Anthuis, the Crusader
Garon Garon, the Knight
Designate Designate the owners of your tribal totem
Tarnel Tarnel, the Walker
Arayan Arayan, the Healer
Spiritwalk Walk free of the confines of mortal flesh.
Mastery Mastery of the spiritual arts.