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Experience, also known as xp, is way to describe adventurer capability. As one lives and acts in the realms, they will typically find things to do that will garner experience, primarily hunting, completing quests, and also combat. Experience is measured in levels.

Experience can be occasionally gained at an accelerated rate at an Experience Event, such as a Great Hunt. Ingesting particular pharmaceuticals or using particular promotional artefacts also lend themselves to temporary experience boosts.

Experience boosting sources include:

Some experience boosts are more situational such as:

  • owning a smoked glass sundial, when hunting Annwyn Sidhe in daytime and Unsidhe at nighttime
  • hunting in environments whilst owning the corresponding scintillating gems
  • hunting denizens on outer islands and on Yggdrasian planes (except Nur) has a small bonus
  • hunting denizens which have the temporary longevity xp bonus, having not been killed for an extended period of time.
  • Nicator Legend Deck Card (Salvation, Seleucarian) - Gives an XP boost to hunting groups where you are the leader
  • Armoured charge tank - A Talisman in the Elemental talisman set, known as a Firetank. Collects essence from hunting denizens and can then be used to give a single XP boost to everyone in the room.
  • a boost from using the dragon hoard bonus