Difference between revisions of "Staff of Nicator"

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192 bytes removed ,  17:18, 3 June 2024
Undo revision 45867 by Asmodron "Please note that all contributions to AchaeaWiki may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors. If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then do not submit it here." This is the disclaimer below every post on this website. Please do not be hostile and throw around words like violation of policy when it does not apply, and please do not post false/secret information about other players.
(Undo revision 45796 by Eoka (talk) -Staff powers, like much other lore of the game, is discussed openly within the world of Achaea. Openly discussed lore is showcased within the Wiki, as many pages can illustrate. Do not undo this work without express approval from the administration and clear indication that it is a violation of IRE policy. To remove another Wiki user's additions is however a violation of said policy.)
(Undo revision 45867 by Asmodron "Please note that all contributions to AchaeaWiki may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors. If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then do not submit it here." This is the disclaimer below every post on this website. Please do not be hostile and throw around words like violation of policy when it does not apply, and please do not post false/secret information about other players.)
Tag: Undo
Line 78: Line 78:
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Tesha|Tesha al Ashtad]]
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Tesha|Tesha al Ashtad]]
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Year 750|750 AF]]
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Year 750|750 AF]]
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF align="center" | ''Vibes placed by Tesha could not be destroyed if she stood in the room''
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF align="center" | ''unknown''
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC | 15
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC | 15
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC | [[Farrah|Farrah Roualt]]
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC | [[Farrah|Farrah Roualt]]
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC | [[Year 802|802 AF]]*
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC | [[Year 802|802 AF]]*
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC align="center" | ''All of Farrah's defenses would remain should she starburst. She was given the moniker of "Undying Farrah"''
| bgcolor=#CCFFCC align="center" | ''unknown''
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | 16
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | 16
Line 93: Line 93:
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Imyrr|Imyrr Rousseau]]
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Imyrr|Imyrr Rousseau]]
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Year 902|902 AF]]*
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF | [[Year 902|902 AF]]*
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF align="center" | ''Enhanced chaos rays ability (debatable)''
| bgcolor=#DDEEFF align="center" | ''unknown''


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