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;'''Han-Silnar''' : The brother of Han-Tolneth and protege of [[Khalas]].  Han-Silnar was very xenophobic in his attitude.  He called the '''Great Council''' to try and convince Han-Silnar and Dekalb to fight with the Triumvirate. After the war, the [[Tribunal]] sentenced Han-Silnar to serve [[Lorielan]] in the [[Crystal Realm]].
;'''Han-Silnar''' : The brother of Han-Tolneth and protege of [[Khalas]].  Han-Silnar was very xenophobic in his attitude.  He called the '''Great Council''' to try and convince Han-Tolneth and Dekalb to fight with the Triumvirate. After the war, the [[Tribunal]] sentenced Han-Silnar to serve [[Lorielan]] in the [[Crystal Realm]].

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