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A treasure of ancient spycraft, a '''Shar'ilian''' whisperstone is a magical [[artefact]] capable of recording and transmitting speech patterns. The [[magi]] of the famed and now lost islands of [[Floating Temples of Shar'ilian|Shar'ilian]] produced the stones long ago. By touching the stone to the ground the owner may hear all speaking in that location as if he or she was there. This can be done about once per [[Achaean]] [[day]], and the effect lasts a similar length of time.
A treasure of ancient spycraft, a '''Shar'ilian''' whisperstone is a magical [[artefact]] capable of recording and transmitting speech patterns. The [[magi]] of the famed and now lost islands of [[Floating Temples of Shar'ilian|Shar'ilian]] produced the grey-green stones long ago. Fragmented whispers of hushed, faraway conversations breathe endlessly across the surfaces of the unrefined stones, their [[languages]] as innumerable as they are incomprehensibly foreign. By touching a stone to the ground the owner may hear all speaking in that location, even from a great distance. This can be done about once per [[Achaean]] [[day]], and the effect lasts a similar length of time.



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