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(Created page with 'The blacksmith '''Murad''' assists Kavaya by forging new blades for Blademasters. With different components used, each sword forged by him named and unique to…')
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The blacksmith '''Murad''' assists [[Kavaya]] by forging new blades for [[Blademaster|Blademasters]]. With different components used, each sword forged by him named and unique to the [[Blademaster]] who gathered its ingredients.
The blacksmith '''Murad''' assists [[Kavaya]] by forging new blades for [[Blademaster|Blademasters]]. With different components used, each sword forged by him is named and unique to the [[Blademaster]] who gathered its ingredients.
==Murad's Wares==
;Supple leather scabbard - 275gp: Sections of supple [[leather]], undyed to preserve the natural colour of the hide, are pieced together and shaped into a long scabbard to be worn upon the hip. A thin belt of deep brown leather fits around the waist, with several buckles and smaller straps to adjust the scabbard to a comfortable fit. Inside, a lining of oilskin protects and conditions the blade when it is at rest.
;Scabbard of crimson leather - 275gp: Sturdy sections of leather, dyed a rich crimson hue, are pieced together and shaped into a long scabbard to be worn upon the hip. A thin belt of matching leather fits around the waist, with several buckles and smaller straps to adjust the scabbard to a comfortable fit. Inside, a lining of oilskin protects and conditions the blade when it is at rest.
;Scabbard of charcoal leather - 275gp: Sturdy sections of leather, darkened just a few shades shy of black, are pieced together and shaped into a long scabbard to be worn upon the hip. A thin belt of matching leather fits around the waist, with several buckles and smaller straps to adjust the scabbard to a comfortable fit. Inside, a lining of oilskin protects and conditions the blade when it is at rest.
;Scabbard of white leather - 275gp: Sturdy sections of leather, bleached to a bone white hue, are pieced together and shaped into a long scabbard to be worn upon the hip. A thin belt of matching leather fits around the waist, with several buckles and smaller straps to adjust the scabbard to a comfortable fit. Inside, a lining of oilskin protects and conditions the blade when it is at rest.

[[Category: Eastern Wilderness Denizens]]
[[Category: Eastern Wilderness Denizens]]
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[[Category: Denizen Merchants]]


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