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'''Istarion''', or the '''City of Stars''' (from Tsol'dasi: ''Liehka-raia''), is built within the boughs of [[Istar Jungle]], nestled in [[Anake's Elbow]].
'''Istarion''', or the '''City of Stars''' (from Tsol'dasi: ''Liehka-raia''), is built within the boughs of [[Istar Jungle]], nestled in [[Anake's Elbow]].
At the heart of Istarion, two crownwood trees grow intertwined: one silver and one gold. These ancient trees act as a conduit for a powerful stream of life energy, similar in many respects to the soulbleed nexus of the Underworld. Many centuries ago, the tsol'dasi separated from their brethren, the Tsol'aa, quitting the world of mortalkind and travelling to the far north. There they discovered the jungle of Istar and founded the city Istarion within the branches of what would come to be called the Two Trees.
Powerfully adept at magic, the Tsol'dasi were able to manipulate the flowing energies of the Two Trees and create the magical [[Wall of Power]] to seclude themselves from [[human|humanity]] and the [[War of Humanity|Divine war]] they had fought on their behalf.
Istarion was suddenly revealed to the world when the Wall of Power failed in 553 AF, their life energy secretly being drained away by the [[Magisterion]] via proxy. A band of [[adventurers]] were exploring the newly accessible jungle when [[Arafaile]], a priestess of the Tsol'dasi Cabal of Life, encountered them and recruited their help in solving the mystery of the ailing crownwood Trees. After the undead menace was rebuffed and the Two Trees saved, the king of Istarion addressed the heroes and spoke of Istarion's debt for their service before calling for an end to the tree city's period of isolation.



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