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Generally, blackjack dealers are attractive and sweet, using their bodies and silver tongues to keep you reaching into your money-pouch.
Generally, blackjack dealers are attractive and sweet, using their bodies and silver tongues to keep you reaching into your money-pouch.

;'''[[Laura]], an attractive young dealer''' - [[Shallam]] : This beautiful woman is the most famous (or infamous, depending on your luck) dealer in Sapience.
;'''[[Laura]], an attractive young dealer''' - [[Shallam]] : This beautiful woman was the most famous (or infamous, depending on your luck) dealer in Sapience.

;'''[[Dielia]], the cardshark''' - [[Ashtan]] : An incredibly beautiful blackjack dealer with a keen sense for bluffers.
;'''[[Dielia]], the cardshark''' - [[Ashtan]] : An incredibly beautiful blackjack dealer with a keen sense for bluffers.


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