Wooden ocarina

A wooden ocarina is an instrument made of a teardrop-shaped piece of oak. This artefact is available for purchase with Mayan crowns at the Shop of Wonders in Delos. Glossed with oil, the hollowed wood displays a series of misshapen holes that follow the curling stem of a leaf of inlaid silver. Playing the wind instrument will tune it to a particular environment. When played, it summons a creature native from that area for one day.

The companions are:

  • a furry mole native to underground caves
  • a tiny chipmunk from the forests
  • a hermit crab found on beaches
  • a frill-necked lizard native to deserts
  • a deer mouse from the grass-covered plains
  • a green frog found in the swamps
  • a multicoloured gecko native to tropical jungles
  • a small swallow from gardens, often located in urban biomes like cities and villages