
Revision as of 01:12, 10 January 2008 by Krypton (talk | contribs) (removed from Category:Undead, unbolding punctuation)

Ugrach, Lord of the Undead, also rules the Underworld, where he resides in his fortress of Cor Kanth in the Unsguul Mountains. His creation was sparked from the soulbleed of the multiverse's first death. His son, Prince Slith, played a pivotal role in the War of Humanity.

At his immediate beck and call are the five remaining Ur'Vampires - Lieutenants Gerzson, Asztrik, Tizane, Prioska, and Zigana - as well as Death Knight Lord Kemnast, captain of the Death Knights. He keeps as his pet a twin-tailed giant scorpion.