Striking is the mastered art of locating the physical vulnerabilities of another and utilising this knowledge within combat. Those of the Blademaster class possess this deadly skill, using precise strikes to pressure points and sensitive locations in order to stand victorious within combat.

Abilities in Striking

Ability Description
Constitution Maintaining your intestinal equilibrium.

This ability will gain you a stomach of steel.

Sternum A painful blow to the breastbone.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> STERNUM
Works on/against: Adventurers

Inflict significant pain with a splintering strike to your target's breastbone, located at the centre of their ribcage.

Shoulder Induce a state of weariness in your target.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> SHOULDER
Works on/against: Adventurers

By harassing pressure points near an enemy's shoulder with a frontal strike, weaken important muscles and leave them weary.

Hands Send a numbing pain into your foe's hands.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> HANDS LEFT|RIGHT
Works on/against: Adventurers

By directing your strikes to your opponent's hands it will cause them to go numb briefly.

Fitness Control your breathing.

With the increased lung power you have gained from your bodily mastery, you are able to purge the effects of asthma.

Ears Turn your opponent into a clumsy fool.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> EARS
Works on/against: Adventurers

The inner ear helps to control one's balance. Box your victim's ears with twin open-handed blows to leave them clumsy and staggering.

Nose A disfiguring strike to turn even the most loyal.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> NOSE
Works on/against: Adventurers

Comprised of delicate cartilage, the nose is a vulnerable point. By smashing the organ with a swift strike, leave your victim unrecognisable to allies, and unable to command loyal minions.

Knees Send your target sprawling to the ground.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> KNEES
Works on/against: Adventurers

Manipulating your opponent's knee joint with a well-placed blade hand will reliably send them falling to the ground.

Alleviate Cure yourself of pesky afflictions.

Detailed understanding of the body has therapeutic benefits. By actively stimulating relevant muscles and pressure points, you may heal yourself of an ailment.

Neck Cause your opponent's limbs to lock up.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> NECK
Works on/against: Adventurers

Clustered nerves in the neck leave a target vulnerable to lasting paralysis if struck with precision.

Kidney Drive aggressive urges from your foe.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> KIDNEYS
Works on/against: Adventurers

A blow to the kidneys will cause deep, lingering pain, pacifying any mortal foe for a time.

Eyes Force your enemy to witness madness.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> EYES
Works on/against: Adventurers

By rupturing blood vessels in a target's eyes, leave them blind and unable to trust what they see.

Hamstring Cripple your target's movement.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> HAMSTRING
Works on/against: Adventurers

Crippling the hamstring muscles of a target's upper leg will greatly hinder their ability to walk for a short time.

Temple Send your foe into a stupor.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> TEMPLE
Works on/against: Adventurers

The head has many exploitable weak points. A strike to either temple, above and behind the eye, will rock the brain and dull your victim's mind, leaving them in a stupor.

Feet Send your mounted target sprawling to the ground.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> FEET
Works on/against: Adventurers

Grab the ankle of your mounted opponent, and with a precise twist, send them tumbling from their mount.

Chin Envelop your opponent in a restful sleep.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> CHIN
Works on/against: Adventurers

Jolt an opponent's skull with a powerful, upwards blow to their chin, nudging them into a brief slumber.

Icefist Channel Shindo into an icy strike.
Syntax: ICEFIST <adventurer>
Extra Information: Shin Energy: 15
Works on/against: Adventurers

Through Shin mastery, channel the cold to encase a foe in a freezing rime of ice, rendering untouchable any magical tattoos they may bear.

** Shin energy is necessary to perform elemental strikes. Only one element may be channelled upon a foe at a time.

Flamefist Channel Shindo into a fiery strike.
Syntax: FLAMEFIST <adventurer>
Extra Information: Shin Energy: 15
Works on/against: Adventurers

Through Shin mastery, channel fire to engulf a victim in a cloak of flames that will scorch away any impending anti-weapon aura of rebounding. Such conflagrating will, however, cauterise the wounds of the target, resulting in them bleeding somewhat less for the duration.

** Shin energy is necessary to perform elemental strikes. Only one element may be channelled upon a foe at a time.

Airfist Channel Shindo into a blustering gale.
Syntax: AIRFIST <adventurer>
Extra Information: Shin Energy: 15
Works on/against: Adventurers

Through Shin mastery, channel the wind itself to scourge a foe, hindering their attempts to parry blows, and shackling the movements of any chaos orb that may protect them.

** Shin energy is necessary to perform elemental strikes. Only one element may be channelled upon a foe at a time.

Voidfist Channel Shindo into a powerful vortex.
Syntax: VOIDFIST <target>
Extra Information: Shin Energy: 15
Works on/against: Adventurers

Through Shin mastery, channel the very emptiness of the void upon a target, potentially blocking digestion of curative herbs they may consume.

Impaling a voidfisted target will disrupt the energy, causing it to fail.

Pommelstriking an opponent on the other hand shall extend a currently active voidfist, up to a point.

** Shin energy is necessary to perform elemental strikes. Only one element may be channelled upon a foe at a time.

Groin Instil a sense of heroism into your target.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> GROIN
Works on/against: Adventurers

A vulnerable point for both males and females, the groin, when struck, may cause a foe to block out the overwhelming pain endured, wilfully ignoring any further damage to their body.

Chest Afflict your enemy with constant affliction.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> CHEST
Works on/against: Adventurers

This combination of strikes to pressure points upon the chest of your victim will induce a variety of painful sensations upon them, mimicking the ongoing symptoms of numerous other ailments.

Throat Remove your foe's ability to breathe.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> THROAT
Works on/against: Adventurers

A blow to the vulnerable throat of an enemy will leave them gasping and unable to breathe.

Stomach Imbue a loss of desire to eat.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> STOMACH
Works on/against: Adventurers

A precise strike to the stomach will cause muscles to spasm, leaving your winded target unwilling to eat and unable to digest.

Underarm Force them to secrete a slick sweat.
Syntax: STRIKE <adventurer> UNDERARM
Works on/against: Adventurers

By assaulting the sensitive armpit of a foe, you may stimulate their sweat glands, causing an unnaturally profuse degree of perspiration.

Deathstrike Unleash the fury of your martial prowess.
Syntax: DEATHSTRIKE <adventurer>
Works on/against: Adventurers

With absolute knowledge of your victim's anatomy, unleashing a fatal combination of strikes to vulnerable points is but a matter of timing.

See also