
Foraging is a system by which you can dispatch a group to passively gather fibre or wood commodities from a given location (providing there are commodities in that area to gather, of course).

Your foragers will be in competition with other adventurer's parties and depending on your (and their) approach it is quite possible for violence to break out.

Types of Foragers

  • Tsol'aa foragers can be commissioned in the Aalen
  • Theran collectors can be commissioned in New Thera
  • Goblin pillagers can be commissioned in the Goblin village

Foraging Attitudes

When foragers are deployed to an area they are sent with a basic set of instructions to follow when gathering resources.

  • Peaceful: Foragers will not attack or defend themselves, but are the most efficient.
  • Aggressive: Foragers will initiate and attack other parties, but are the least efficient.
  • Diplomatic: Foragers will not attack, but will defend themselves, average efficiency.