Tickler's Tavern
Large in size, Tickler's Tavern is populated with an odd mishmash of rickety furniture and the equally odd patronage of the Rhodestrian Settlement. The dilapidated bar offers a small selection of local fare while the sound of ribald laughter often accompanies pipe tabac smoke floating from the small private alcoves within. Tickler can usually found in the small kitchen within, worrying after this dish or the other.
- Beer (murky glass of berry beer) - 125gp
- Sooty smudges and dusty fingerprints coat the outside of this tall glass, which is filled to overflowing with tasty beer. The vivacious brew is caught between purple and brown in hue and topped with a healthy dollop of creamy froth. The subtle taste of wheat is drowned out by the stronger tang of ripened berries. The beverage is sourced locally and served to drink at room temperature.
- A grilled horse steak - 150gp
- Grilled over a hot flame, this prime cut of horse flesh is seared to absolute perfection. Seasoned delicately with hints of spices and peppers, the steak oozes with fragrant juices. A small puddle of crimson blood collects just underneath the meat. A colourful garnish of salad is splayed creatively across the clay plate beneath.
- berry juice (chilled tumbler filled with berry juice) - 110gp
- A faint, gelid haze emanates from around this squat tumbler, and frozen droplets of water cling precariously to the outside. The glass is frosted to a near impenetrable white which contrasts starkly against the richly coloured contents. A pulpy sea of barely-mulched berries swirls thickly around inside, and chunky ice cubes fight to stay afloat near the top of the concoction. Acting as a garish decoration, small sprigs of brambles curl around the chiselled lip, providing a rather painful surprise.