Difference between revisions of "Mount Tehwet"

38 bytes added ,  01:30, 25 November 2014
(Created page with 'While snow-capped '''Mount Tehwet''' is not the highest mountain in Northern Vashnar Range, its alpine peak easily overshadows the various settlements dotted about t…')
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While snow-capped '''Mount Tehwet''' is not the highest mountain in [[Vashnars|Northern Vashnar Range]], its alpine peak easily overshadows the various settlements dotted about the valley of [[Xhaiden Dale]]. The monastery of the Light-worshipping Obele monks of the dale crouches on its rocky northern slopes, its inhabitants ekeing out a solitary life in the crisp mountain air.
While snow-capped '''Mount Tehwet''' is not the highest mountain in [[Vashnars|Northern Vashnar Range]], its alpine peak easily overshadows the various settlements dotted about the valley of [[Xhaiden Dale]]. The monastery of the Light-worshipping Obele monks of the dale crouches on its rocky northern slopes, its inhabitants ekeing out a solitary life tending yaks, farming, and beekeeping in the crisp mountain air.
[[Category: Mountains|Tehwet]]
[[Category: Mountains|Tehwet]]
