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Goblinoid is a catch-all term which refers to any of the lesser races originating in the Underrealm, excluding Horkvals, but including goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and ogres. Nowadays, they may be found in Azdun, the Dakhota Hills, Thalagor, Gar'nok, and the Siroccian Mountains.

Goblinoids are possessed of a brutish idiocy, but it was not always so. Once, the goblinoids were a noble warrior culture, fighting for honour instead of bloodsport, and with rage tempered by sensitivity, but all that changed when the Tsol'teth made them into their present state by altering their spiral ribbons of future creation. The most famous goblinoid is undoubtedly Blademaster Matic Ridley, Tsol'teth defector and last among the intelligent Underrealm subraces.