Below is a list of common terms that are used within Achaea.
- Adventurer: A term used to describe a player character in an in character, (or IC,) manner.
- Cause: A term used to reference the rights gained by one adventurer to kill another based on the actions of the second adventurers. Help PK, a help file in the game, explains the rules for this.
- Defendable: A term used to describe the defendable limits of the city. This includes the city itself and one room out of the boundaries of the city. City enemies attacked within defendable do not garner cause and are open pk. Example: South of The Gates of Mhaldor is still defendable territory.
- Gate Raid: A term used to describe psuedo-raids on a city by a single adventurer or a group of adventurers. They often take place just outside of defendable range of the city, so as to lessen casualties on the raiding force and avoid guards.
- Honours Line: A term used to describe a line shown when using Honours <person> that shows they have completed a major quest. Example: When I honours Delphinus, it says that he is a Champion of Caer Witrin.
- Honours whore: Someone who goes out of their way to attain honours lines.
- IC: See In Character.
- In Character: A term used to describe actions that relate directly to the game of Achaea. Staying in character requires that one not mention words such as TV and similar devices that do not exist in Achaea.
- OOC: See Out of Character.
- Out of Character: A term used to describe references to real life activities and items that do not relate to Achaea. This is acceptable in some clans, but is otherwise considered forbidden on public channels and can be punished with a loss of credibility.
- PK: A term that stands for Player Killing. This also involves any attacks on other players. One should be familiar with Help PK, a help file listed in game, before engaging in such activities. Using the word Pk is often considered OOC.
- Questing: A term used to describe working on various quests in Achaea. Usually involving completing tasks for denizens in hopes of a reward or to achieve an objective, such as gaining an honours line, (see: Honours Line in Achaean Lingo.) Example: I am off to go questing in Blackrock, as I am short on gold.
- Raid: A term used to describe an assault on a city by a group of adventurers, or sometimes even a single adventurer. This often involves killing defending citizens, guards, or denizens. See also: Gate Raid.
- Raiding: To raid. The act of raiding.
- Scroll: A term often used to reference help files in an IC manner. Example: Please refer to the scroll hhelp novices before you do anything further.