Vinci's Tattoo Emporium

Revision as of 13:03, 23 September 2024 by Eoka (talk | contribs) (Added tattoos for sale + prices)
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Vinci's Tattoo Emporium boasts a central location in Delos off of Epitus Avenue, and acts as a storefront for the reclusive inkmiller Jingo. Various signs, posters, and scrolls guide uncertain novices through the painless process of acquiring a magical tattoo for admittedly exorbitant prices.

Vinci's Wares

a firefly tattoo - 200gp
a moss tattoo - 350gp
a feather tattoo - 250gp
a shield tattoo - 500gp
a mindseye tattoo - 600gp
a hammer tattoo - 725gp
a cloak tattoo - 300gp
a bell tattoo - 400gp
a crystal tattoo - 1225gp
a moon tattoo - 350gp
a starburst tattoo - 2375gp
a boar tattoo - 725gp
a web tattoo - 600gp
a tentacle tattoo - 1425gp
an hourglass tattoo - 500gp
a brazier tattoo - 500gp
a prism tattoo - 1375gp
a tree tattoo - 2000gp
a chameleon tattoo - 1825gp
an ox tattoo - 1350gp
a megalith tattoo - 2000gp