The following is the written law of Mhaldor. This law shall apply to all citizens and visitors of Mhaldor. Ignorance will not be tolerated. Failure to follow the laws of Mhaldor will result in loss of their protection. Abusing the protection of the city will not be tolerated and could result in being enemied from the city of Mhaldor.
Security officals will be obeyed at all times in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of Mhaldorian law and the protection of citizens. Failure to obey will result in the use of force. Repeated violations of city law will result in harsher penalties, including permanent enemy status. Mhaldor is a dictatorship. The laws are enforced without exception.
To have the status of enemy to Mhaldor removed one must speak to either a Viceroy or the Minister of Security. It is at the Tyrannus and/or Minister of Security's discretion whether or not to remove this status.
I) Definitions
a) Citizens of Mhaldor are those listed in 'citizens' and 'citizens dormant'.
b) Enemies of Mhaldor are those listed in 'cityenemies'.
c) Allies are those listed in 'chelp allies'.
d) Security constructs include but are not limited to sigils, totems, wormholes, traps, walls, denizens.
e) Public property excludes subdivision houses, shop stockrooms, house estates.
f) Fraudulent commerce is knowingly or negligently failing to render a promised consideration upon receipt of goods and/or services and/or monies.
This law applies to:
a) Citizens of Mhaldor.
b) Sapients in Mhaldor.
c) Crimes committed against Mhaldorian citizens.
a) This law shall be enforced by the Viceroys, the Minister of Security and Security Aides. Infractions are to be brought to their attention.
b) Nothing in these laws shall be construed to derogate from Viceroys' complete discretion over all punishments for all offences specified and unspecified.
c) Sentences are as follows:
i) Sapients committing minor crimes against Mhaldor are liable to a fine of not more than five thousand gold sovereigns, or a branding as city enemy not exceeding a year, or both. ii) Sapients committing major crimes against Mhaldor are liable to a fine of not more than fifty thousand gold sovereigns, not including the cost of any property damage, or a branding as city enemy not exceeding ten years, or both. iii) Sapients committing capital crimes against Mhaldor are liable to a fine of not less than one hundred thousand gold sovereigns, not including the cost of any property damage, or a branding as city enemy not less than ten years, or both. iv) At the discretion of a Viceroy or the Minister of Security, a branding sentence for a capital crime may be made permanent.
Criminal Code
a) Petty Offences
i) Public drunkenness is a minor crime. ii) Public display of affection is a minor crime. iii) Yelling, shouting, or posting to Public news as a Slave without a Viceroy's permission is a minor crime. iv) Littering is a minor crime. v) Unsolicited graffiti is a minor crime. vi) Presence by non-citizens in Mhaldor's sewers is a minor crime.
b) Acts against Mhaldor
i) Slander is a major crime. ii) Espionage is a major crime. iii) Aiding and abetting city enemies to enter or remain in Mhaldor is a major crime. iv) Raiding is a major crime. v) Aiding and abetting raid attackers in Mhaldor or on the Island is a major crime. vi) Fraudulent commerce is a major crime. vii) Benefiting from fraudulent commerce is a major crime.
c) Property Damage
i) Damaging City property is a major crime. In the case of such damage, the attacker's fine will be augmented by twice the cost of the damage caused.
d) Assault/Murder
i) Attacks upon citizens, full allies, and partial allies in Mhaldor are major crimes. ii) Attacks on Mhaldorian guards and other denizens are major crimes. In the case of such an attack, the attacker's fine will be augmented by twice the cost of the denizen. Denizens without a purchase price shall be presumed as equivalent to city guards in value.
e) Theft
i) A single instance of theft or attempted theft from Mhaldorian shops or citizens is a minor crime. ii) Repeated instances of theft or attempted theft from Mhaldorian shops or citizens are together a major crime.
f) Disobedience
i) Disobeying a Viceroy's lawful command, willfully and with malice aforethought, is a crime. The sentence is by the Viceroy's will.
g) Treason
i) High Treason is a capital crime. ii) Sedition is a capital crime.
h) Religious Offences
i) Defiling an approved shrine in Mhaldor is a capital crime. ii) Heresy is a capital crime.
Treaties will be obeyed by citizens as if they were Mhaldorian law.
a) The following are prohibited from entering Mhaldor:
i) Members of the Holy Church of Achaea ii) Members of Shallamese houses iii) Citizens of Shallam iv) Devotion users v) Runelore users without Viceroy or Ministerial permission.
City Enemies
Enemies are to be slain or removed from Mhaldor by any means necessary.
a) Preparatory engagements and solemnized marriage are permitted among:
i) Mhaldorian citizens. ii) Full allies of Mhaldor. iii) Members of Mhaldorian Houses.
b) Citizens married to former citizens or former city allies are granted two years grace to correct said spouses' departures, by returning them to citizenship or ally status, as appropriate. If after that time period the spouse remains outside Mhaldor's ambit, the couple will divorce.
a) The following are disqualified from Mhaldorian citizenship:
i) Devotion users are not permitted to be citizens. ii) Members of Shallamese Houses are not permitted to be citizens. iii) Enemies of the orders of Oppression and Suffering are not permitted to be citizens.
b) There is no penalty for leaving Mhaldor, save where the departure is without the permission of a Viceroy.
Security Constructs
a) Security constructs may not be placed on public property without permission of a Viceroy or the Minister of Security.
b) Damaging or destroying security constructs, including the attempt thereto, constitutes property damage, and will be treated as though the construct were destroyed.
c) Wormholes terminating in Mhaldor are to be approved by the Nagaraja or the Minister of Security.
d) The Naga will maintain a current list of all wormholes terminating in Mhaldor or on or below the Island.
a) Mhaldorian shops are not subject to any treaties or agreements made in restraint of trade.
b) Sale of the venom vardrax is a major crime. Shops found selling vardrax will be seized.
a) Full allies are those who advance the cause of Mhaldor, the City of Evil. Full allies are expected to follow Mhaldorian law when interacting with its citizens, and thus are granted the privilege of being treated as a Mhaldorian citizen for the purposes of city law.
b) Partial allies are those with certain economic ties to Mhaldor. Partial allies are expected to follow Mhaldorian law when in the City, and thus are granted the following privileges when in Mhaldor:
i) unhindered travel throughout the city ii) immunity to theft/murder by Mhaldorian citizens