An adventurer will experience Divine Favour when a God is particularly pleased or angered. While favours and most disfavours last a limited time, some disfavours may be permanent.
There are four levels of favours and disfavours, each with its own advantages or disadvantages.
The four levels of favour (or disfavour), from least to most powerful, are:
- (Dis)Favour
- - Adds a point of constitution.
- - Adds something to your appearance.
- Strong (Dis)Favour
- - Alters your skills, with the amount in each skill dependent on the God doing the favouring or disfavour.
- - Gives an xp bonus or takes away some xp when it ends.
- High (Dis)Favour
- - You will no longer need food or sleep, or doubles your need for them.
- - Adds a damage reducing shield, cutting damage (of all kinds, from all sources) done to you by about 15%, or makes you take about 15% more damage. (NOT CUMULATIVE WITH ANY OTHER FAVOURS)
- True (Dis)Favour
- - Adds (or deducts) one point to (or from) all stats.