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Vials (or phials) are small vessels generally used to store liquids such as elixirs, salves and venoms. Empty vials cost around the figure of 300 gp and last about 150 months. Compare this to artefact vials, which cost much more, will not decay, and are sold especially at the Gemstone Vials of Moghedu shop.

Originally, normal vials held 60 sips when refilled by Transcendent concoctionists ("trans-refillers") and 50 sips when by non-Transcendent concoctionists ("non-trans refillers") (the numbers were 110 and 100 for artefact vials, respectively). On the 7th of Miraman, 454 AF, the capacity of vials greatly increased. Non-artefact vials now hold up to 200 sips while artefact vials can hold 240 sips. The capacity of vials to hold milked venoms also increased from 50 to 150 applications for non-artefact vials and from 100 to 220 for artefact vials.

A non-trans refiller can fill a non-artefact vial in 5 fills, while a trans-refiller can fill the same vial in 4 fills. For artefact vials, the number of fills falls to 3 for a non-trans refiller and 2 for a trans-refiller. A noteworthy fact is that contents can not be poured between artefact vials and non-artefact vials.

Several new commands were introduced in tandem to the abovementioned changes:

  POUR|EMPTY whatever ON something
  POUR|EMPTY whatever OUT
  POUR|EMPTY vial IN|INTO othervial