Class Summary
Druids are a versatile class, able to harness the strengths and abilities of animals through metamorphosis, control the forest's defenses and powers, and create elixers and salves for allies to use. They are typically close range melee fighters with many defensive and regenerative abilities that make them extremely hardy, and excel in team combat and support tactics.
Metamorphosis - Meld your spirit with that of a wide variety of animals.
Groves - Claim a forest location for yourself, and invest your power in it to achieve mastery of the forest.
Concoctions - Gathering herbs and other ingredients to make the elixirs and potions that all Achaeans rely on.
Recommended Learning Order
The following traits are often considered desirable for Druids:
Druid Equipment
Basic Combat Strategy
Artefacts for Druid Combat
The most helpful ones for Druids are: