Ring-tailed coati

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An ring-tailed coati is a musteline artefact minipet that can be obtained only via the coati talisman which became available to Achaeans as a side-effect of an Atavian trade ship shipwrecked in the Sefyric in the seventh century AF. Coatis look like mongooses, with dusky fur and long, raccoon-like tails which give them their name. Though they have bear-like paws and cat-like dexterity, they've also long snouts useful in foraging for insects in the leaf litter of Azatlani forests which they hail from.


(1) a coati's tooth, level 5
(1) a coati's collar, level 7
(1) some coati bait, level 7
(1) a coati tail, level 3
(1) a coati's claw, level 7
(1) a coati's paw, level 6