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The '''Khulia River''' flows through the island of [[Shala-Khulia]].
The '''Khulia River''' flows through the island of [[Shala-Khulia]]. The source of this flowing, tropical river can be found from a large crack runs up the surface of the cliff to the north, from which a steady stream of water flows. The water pools neatly, and then flows southward, becoming a river in the process. The rainforest neatly closes in on both banks of the river, preventing escape from its cool and clear waters. The bed of the river, consisting of gravelly sand, is difficult to
trudge through.
The river gradually rush into rapids which roars of the river drowns out the noises of the nearby
rainforest. The torrent of water over large rocks creates enormous sinkholes, sucking surrounding water in, and then spitting it out in a spout, spraying water into the air. The river continues its rampage to the south, slightly decelerating and finally empties out into the ocean. Much like the river, however, the rainforest grows right to the edge of the beaches, leaving little room for exploration along them.
Some of the animals one may found in this river is the discus fish, so narrow when it turns sideways that it is nearly impossible to see it in the water, making it easy for the fish to hide from its predators in the cracks and crevices of the river. The discus is a yellow fish with white stripes on its body and fins, and orange spots also decorate its body.
The Khulian fish owl is also nearly an ever-present figure above the river during the rainforest day. Its wide yellow eyes are constantly monitoring the water for the movement of unsuspecting fish. The owl's toes, two facing forward and two facing backward, allow it to perch on rocks and trees once it has caught its prey.
