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'''The Shop of Wonders''', an [[artefact]] [[shop]] in [[Delos]], was opened during [[Ero]] of the year 476 AF. The only currency accepted is that of the [[Mayan crown]].
'''The Shop of Wonders''', an [[artefact]] [[shop]] in [[Delos]], was opened during [[Ero]] of the year 476 AF. The only currency accepted is that of the [[Mayan crown]].

[[Category:Artefact Shops]][[Category:Edit needed]]
;a Sceptre of Aqueous Mastery - 10mc : The Sceptre of Aqueous Mastery is a two-foot long wand carved from the white tusk of a Eusian Geryas. The sceptre is covered in carved symbols of power in a flowing script that glow a sharp azure. The light from the sigils pulses faintly in time with the pulsing of an amorphous globule of water that swirls and shifts around the tip of the sceptre. The size of a fist, the sphere of water is obviously the magical heart of the sceptre.
;a diamond pipe - 9mc : Rich, dark wood from the cocobola has been carved into a thick, well-made pipe. Tiny kawhe beans have been delicated embedded to the bowl of the pipe, and carefully petrified to maintain their shape even with heavy use. The bowl itself is curved, wide inside to contain embers and herbs, but closely tied to prevent too much air burning it fast. When lit, the kawhe beans release a heady, aromatic scent, filling the air with a slightly nutty aroma.
;Terrin'ukia's Monocle - 8mc : Perfectly circular, this monocle is a thick glass lens surrounded by semi-transparent obsidian casing. The lens itself is thick and tinted with a sanguine hue, rendering everything seen through it in shades of blood red. A small loop protrudes from the black frame, through which a thread of braided spidersilk passes, with a burnished brass clasp attached to the thread's opposite end. Fashioned to resemble the Spider Queen Lachesis, a half-woman, half-arachnid hybrid forms the catch mechanism.
;a platinum whistle - 7mc : Roughly the length and thickness of a human finger, this whistle is made from a single piece of platinum. A hollow cylinder, the whistle bears intricate carvings along its body, with creatures ranging from the noble boar to the massive storm bull etched into the metal. So skilful is the craftsmanship that it is difficult to discern where one beast's outline ends and the next begins.
;a set of gleaming obsidian panpipes - 6mc : Fifteen cylindrical pipes of pure obsidian are bound together by smooth golden bands, keeping each of the perfectly round tubes fitted snuggly together. Starting out even and straight, each tube takes a different path as it descends, some forming corkscrews, and others curving in a wave-like pattern. Every successive pipe is slightly longer than the last, allowing a variety of notes to be played by blowing across their hollow tops. The backside of the instrument is unadorned, crafted from simple, shining black glass, while the front of each pipe is inset with a precious gem of a different type near the top. Just below the jewelled adornments, a large, golden, stylised rat emblem is etched, beady red-ruby eyes a-glitter.
;a ram's horn - 5mc : A full four feet in length, this ram's horn possesses a sinuous shape. Its graceful curves have a rich chestnut colouration with flecks of amber and tan outlining the grain of the horn. Growing from a thin point at its mouth piece to a broad base, the horn's shape makes it well suited for amplifying sound. Polished to a smooth, shiny finish, three bands of gold adorn its length, each set about a foot apart. Each band is ten inches wide and is comprised of delicate gold latticework with innumerable dazzling jewels set between the thin strands of gold.
;a dragonskin pack - 4mc : Meticulously crafted from a multitude of large, flexible dragon scales, the exterior of this pack scintillates with shades of electric blue. Large and spacious within, the container is lined with soft, waterproofed cotton and reinforced on the bottom with a thick panel of leather. Two matching, tooled leather straps secure the pack over the shoulders of the owner comfortably, their surfaces decorated with the sinuous images of blue dragons in flight.
;a wyvernskin pack - 3mc : Interlocking diamond-shaped scales of dull greyish black compose the exterior of this wyvernskin pack, the surface puckered and mottled from overwork. Dull and lifeless, only the craggy contours of the scales reflect any light on their sharp, irregular edges. Two shoulder straps are affixed to the backside of the container, similarly fringed with the sturdy, inflexible reptilian skin.
;an Estachian feedbag - 3mc : Sewn from a luxurious piece of heavy silk, this enormous feedbag is clearly designed for a regal mount.
;a Fluvian jar - 3mc : This semi-transparent cluster of prismatic crystals are arranged to form an irregular cylindrical container. The interior is hollow, breaking up the waves of light refracted by the jar's flat, polished exterior surfaces into a myriad of oscillating rainbow colours and shapes. A fitted, crystal-clear square stone plugs the neck of the container, around which pale wisps of white vapour waver and dance.
;a crafter's portfolio - 3mc : Fine El'Jaziran leather stretches over hard sides to form this elegant and sturdy portfolio, stamped on the front with the seal of the Delosian Crafters Union. Several layers of flat, leather-encased boards can be lifted out of the case, each with series of pockets lined in parchment to allow the storing of crafting designs.
;a crafter's folder - 2mc : Fine El'Jaziran leather stretches over two rectangles of hard backing to form this elegant folder, stamped on the front with the seal of the Delosian Crafters Union. A series of flat pockets covers more than half of the dark file's insides, each compartment lined with parchment to allow the storing of crafting designs.
;a quartz crystal vial - 2mc : The shape of a flower bud just on the verge of blossoming, a symbol of regeneration, is represented in white quartz crystal. Lifelike veins are clearly delineated upon the petals in silver. The petals open outward slightly towards the tip to allow an aperture from which any liquid within may be released. Multiple facets are carved within the interior of the vial, refracting light in such a way that the bottom of the vial is invisible to the eye. The bud terminates at its base in a graceful, leafless stem with the barest hint of a curve.
;an olivewood stationary kit - 1mc : Slightly larger than a standard letter and only an inch in depth, this lightweight box is crafted from the exquisite olivewood of the Shamtota hills. Covering its top surface is an elaborate relief of interlaced vines centred around the image of a dove, its unfurled wings detailed to each individual feather. A hidden compartment filled with ink is incorporated into the design, and a discreet groove along one side holds a small writing quill. The underside of the box is polished and smooth, exhibiting the beauty and deep grain of the natural wood, with a single mystical rune etched in its centre. Diffuse amber light radiates from the rune, imparting a palpable aura of magic to the entire kit.
;a white crystalline vase - 1mc : Slender and graceful, a fluted column of crystal rises from a narrow base to a broad lip, forming a gorgeous vase. Made of flawless crystal, the vase's surfaceis cut into countless smooth facets, each refracting even the most minute light into dazzling rainbows of colour. Suspended within the vase are a dozen seeds, swirling in an unidentifiable substrate that emits an intoxicating aroma of jasmine and sage.
;a blue crystalline vase - 1mc : Slender and graceful, a fluted column of crystal rises from a narrow base to a broad lip, forming a gorgeous vase. Made of flawless crystal, the vase's surface is cut into countless smooth facets, each refracting even the most minute light into dazzling rainbows of colour. Suspended within the vase are a dozen seeds, swirling in an unidentifiable substrate that emits an intoxicating aroma of jasmine and sage.
;a violet crystalline vase - 1mc : Slender and graceful, a fluted column of crystal rises from a narrow base to a broad lip, forming a gorgeous vase. Made of flawless crystal, the vase's surface is cut into countless smooth facets, each refracting even the most minute light into dazzling rainbows of colour. Suspended within the vase are a dozen seeds, swirling in an unidentifiable substrate that emits an intoxicating aroma of jasmine and sage.
;a trader's satchel - 1mc : Black leather forms this small satchel, sewn into a wide rectangle. Embroidery threads of silver and gold pick out images of metal bars over the supple surface, while more colourful strings outline bits of cloth, rope, bone, and other commodities used in crafting.
[[Category:Artefact Shops]]