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'''Elementalism''' is a magical skill that harnesses the power of the four physical [[element|elements]]: earth, air, water, and fire. There are two types of Elementalism in [[Achaea]], each one unique to either the [[Magi]] or [[Sylvan]] [[class]]. The latter is the younger of the two, its differences from the original Elementalism discovered with the introduction of the Sylvan class in 329 AF.
Elementalism is a relatively straightforward skill. By opening channels to four of the five Elemental realms (Magi do not use the Spirit realm), practitioners can cast a wide variety of elementally-based offensive and defensive spells. The effects of these spells might range from summoning an efreeti to calling down the might of Vastar, the Skylord, in the Stormhammer, to bringing forth fog or hail. Elementalism used to be practised by the [[Sylvan]] class as well, but was abandoned in 680 AF when they syncronised their abilities with a great storm and it was replaced with the skill of [[Propagation]].

Elementalism is a relatively straightforward skill. By opening channels to four of the five Elemental realms (Magi do not use the Spirit realm), you will be able to cast a wide variety of elementally-based offensive and defensive spells. The effects of these spells might range from summoning an efreeti to calling down the might of Vastar, the Skylord, in the Stormhammer, to bringing forth fog or hail.
The skill of '''Elementalism''' is available to members [[Magi]] [[class]], along with [[Crystalism]] and [[Artificing]].

===[[:Category:Abilities|Abilities]] in Elementalism===
==Abilities in Elementalism==
:''Abilities in'' '''bold''' ''are Magi only. Abilities in '''bold italics''' are Sylvan only. All others are shared between both classes.''
{| border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2
| bgcolor=#cccccc | '''Ability'''
|description=Open conduits to the Elemental Realms.
| bgcolor=#cccccc | '''Description'''
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Channel            
|required=200 mana
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Open conduits to the Elemental Realms.
|cooldown=1.50 seconds of equilibrium
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|detail=Using this ability, you may open a channel to one of the four basic elemental realms. Keeping these channels open has a cost in willpower. SEVER
: '''Syntax:'''          CHANNEL AIR/WATER/EARTH/FIRE
AIR/WATER/EARTH/FIRE will close that channel. CHANNELS will list what channels you have open.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Light up your surroundings.
|syntax=CAST LIGHT
|required=50 mana
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=With the illuminating power of fire, you may momentarily reveal those in the room who may be hiding.

Using this ability, you may open a channel to one of the four basic elemental realms. Keeping these channels open has a cost in willpower. SEVER AIR/WATER/EARTH/FIRE will close that channel. CHANNELS will list what channels you have open.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Light             
|description=Protect your open channels from attack.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Light up your surroundings.
|syntax=FORTIFY <channel><br>FORTIFY ALL
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|required=100 mana
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST LIGHT
|cooldown=1.00 seconds of equilibrium
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Fire
|detail=Using this ability will provide you protection against abilities that may attack your open elemental channels. These abilities will first have to attack your fortification before destroying your channel. However, fortify does have a regular willpower cost associated with it.
: '''Details:'''
With the illuminating power of fire, you may momentarily reveal those in the room who may be hiding.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Gust               
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Blow someone in a direction with a gust of wind.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST GUST
::: CAST GUST AT <adventurer> <direction>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air
: '''Details:'''
By channeling the element of air, you can either blow a fog or cloud out of the room, or blow an
adventurer in a particular direction.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Reflection         
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Create a distracting illusion of yourself.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST REFLECTION AT ME/<adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Fire
: '''Details:'''
By focusing the light of fire through a prism of elemental air, you can create a magical reflection of yourself, which will absorb one attack before being destroyed. You may only have one reflection at a time.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Firelash         
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Attack with elemental fire.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST FIRELASH AT <adventurer>/<denizen>/<icewall>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Fire
: '''Details:'''
By lashing out with fire, you may damage an adventurer or a denizen, or melt an icewall. Note that you can hit adventurers with this from an adjacent room.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Waterweird         
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Summon a water [[elementals|elemental]] to help you walk on water.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST WATERWEIRD AT ME/<adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Water
: '''Details:'''
The power of elemental water will allow you to tread water easily.
Note: If you lose this or any other summoned elemental, you may call them back to you by doing: CALL ELEMENTALS
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Stonefist'''         
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Coat your fists with rock and punch with more power.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST STONEFIST
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Earth
: '''Details:'''
By coating your fists in stone, you may punch for greatly increased damage.
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Stoneskin'''         
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Create a protective but supple layer of stone around you.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST STONESKIN
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Earth
: '''Details:'''
Similar to the manner in which stonefist coats your fists in stone, stoneskin coats much of your body in stone, providing some protection against physical attacks (more from blunt than from cutting damage). As your skill in elementalism increases, so will the protection this ability affords you.
| bgcolor=#149200 | '''''Barkskin'''''           
| bgcolor=#149200 | Make your skin tough like bark.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Fortification     
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Protect your open channels from attack.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          FORTIFY <channel>
: '''Details:'''
Using this ability will provide you protection against abilities that may attack your open elemental channels. These abilities will first have to attack your fortification before destroying your channel. However, fortify does have a regular willpower cost associated with it.

If you choose to fortify all, the mana and eq costs will be the cost of fortifying a single channel multiplied by the number of channels you have open.
If you choose to fortify all, the mana and eq costs will be the cost of fortifying a single channel multiplied by the number of channels you have open.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Freeze             
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Chill another adventurer.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST FREEZE AT GROUND
::: CAST FREEZE AT <adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water
: '''Details:'''
When casting freeze at the ground, you will cause a coating of ice to cover it, causing others to slip occasionally. When casting it at another adventurer, you will first strip the insulation defence if the target has it, then cause the target to shiver, and finally freeze him.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Geyser             
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Knock someone out of the trees or the sky.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST GEYSER AT <adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Water, Earth, Fire
: '''Details:'''
Using this ability, you may knock a flying or treed adventurer out of the skies or trees.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Scry               
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Locate another adventurer.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST SCRY AT <adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Water, Fire
: '''Details:'''
By combining the light of fire with a water lens, you may locate another adventurer.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Sandling           
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Summon a sand elemental to sequester you underground.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST SANDLING
::: BURROW <direction>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Earth
: '''Details:'''
One of four elementals you can summon, the sandling will lower you into the ground, effectively burying you. Additionally, you will be able to burrow laterally so long as the ground is soft enough to permit. However, you may not burrow deeper than one level below ground.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Chargeshield       
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Create a magical shield to resist electric damage.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST CHARGESHIELD AT ME/<another adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Earth
: '''Details:'''
The chargeshield is a defensive spell which will provide you with some protection from electric attacks.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Erode             
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Destroy the defences of your opponent.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST ERODE AT <adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water, Earth, Fire
: '''Details:'''
With the destructive fury of all the elements at your command, you may destroy a defence on an opponent.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Suppression       
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Destroy the sustaining partita [[Harmonics|harmonic]].
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST SUPPRESSION
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Earth
: '''Details:'''
Before using a cube sigil to destroy bardic harmonics you may need to first suppress the partita harmonic that protects the other harmonics from the cube sigil. This ability will do just that.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Bloodboil         
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Boil off that which afflicts you.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST BLOODBOIL
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Water, Fire
: '''Details:'''
Through the purifying powers of fire, and the recuperative powers of water, you may cure yourself of an affliction with this spell. If you suffer under the haemophilia affliction your blood will be too thin for this spell to take affect.
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Ring'''               
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Extend the life of a crystalline [[Crystalism|vibration]].
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST RING
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Earth
: '''Details:'''
This spell is useful in conjunction with crystalism. When cast in a room, it will extend the life of your vibrations.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Binding           
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | The magic of channel binding.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          BIND <channel>
: '''Details:'''
Like fortification, binding provides protection against losing your channels due to others attacking them. If a channel that is unfortified is attacked, binding will protect that channel a large percentage of the time. It has a willpower loss associated with it, however.
If you choose to BIND ALL, the mana and equilibrium costs will be what it costs for a single channel binding, multiplied by however many channels you have open.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Lightning         
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Fry your enemies with awesome bolts of lightning.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST LIGHTNING AT <adventurer>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Fire
: '''Details:'''
Fling a sizzling bolt of lightning to damage an adventurer and quite possibly remove a defence as well!
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | [[Firewall]]           
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Create a wall of elemental fire.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST FIREWALL <direction>
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Fire
: '''Details:'''
Channeling the power of elemental fire, you will create walls of burning flame.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Fog               
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Conjure up obscuring fog.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST FOG
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water
: '''Details:'''
With the powers of air and water, you may cause an elemental fog to envelop the room.
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Deepfreeze'''         
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Cast a spell of extreme cold at your enemies.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST DEEPFREEZE
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water
: '''Details:'''
This spell is a magnified version of the freeze spell, except that it is not targetable. It will attack all those in the room who are your enemy.
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Hellfumes'''         
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Create choking fumes in your surroundings.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST HELLFUMES
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Earth
: '''Details:'''
This spell will create a noxious cloud in your location, choking those around you.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Aerial             
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Summon an air elemental to carry you to the skies.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST AERIAL
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air
: '''Details:'''
One of the four elementals that you can summon, the aerial will take you into the skies once. LAND will bring you back to earth.
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Flood'''             
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Drown a location in water.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
: '''Syntax:'''          CAST FLOOD
: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Water

: '''Details:'''
|description=Locate another adventurer.
|syntax=CAST SCRY AT <target>
|required=30 mana
|cooldown=1.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=By summoning up an image in a pool of water, you are able to scry for the location of a target.

Channel the power of elemental water to flood the room you stand in.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | [[Illusion]]           
|description=The Elemental Planes are at your fingertips.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Cast an illusion of your choosing.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |  
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST ILLUSION <illusion>
::: CAST <victim> ILLUSION <illusion>
|detail=Certain Elemental Spells cause a form of resonance with the Elemental Planes upon which they draw(*). As your resonance grows, the last target of the spell you cast to cause that increase in resonance will suffer various affects, listed below. Resonance is fleeting and will fade over time.<br><br>Air:<br>-Minor resonance: gives asthma.<br>-Moderate resonance: gives sensitivity.<br>-Major resonance: gives healthleech.<br>Earth:<br>-Minor resonance: breaks a random limb (it will always pick an unbroken limb).<br>-Moderate resonance: stuns the target for a short time and gives paralysis.<br>-Major resonance: gives cracked ribs (it does not increase the number of cracked ribs a target has - only ever gives the base affliction).<br>Fire:<br>-Minor resonance: gives an affect which prevents the raising of the temperance defence (does not strip this defence, however).<br>-Moderate resonance: strips the temperance defence. If this defence is already stripped, sets the target ablaze and deals some damage.<br>-Major resonance: gives the blistered affliction. If they're already blistered, gives a stack of the ablaze affliction.<br>Water:<br>-Minor resonance: gives the frostbite affliction. If it is already present, does some damage.<br>-Moderate resonance: gives the stuttering affliction and deals some cold damage.<br>-Major resonance: gives the anorexia affliction.<br><br>* These are listed under AB ELEMENTALISM.<br>** Note that resonance is only generated if your spell is targeted against an adventurer who is directly within your location when it resolves (i.e. ranged firelash will not generate resonance, but in room will).<br>*** You can set your verbosity for seeing resonance messages to none, low or high. The default is low.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Fire
|description=Destroy the defences of your opponent.
|syntax=CAST ERODE AT <target> [defence]
|required=75 mana
|channels=Air, Earth, Fire and Water
|target=Adventurers and denizens
|cooldown=2.50 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=With the destructive fury of all the elements at your command, you may destroy a defence on an opponent. This spell will strip the first defence it does not find from the below list, and if none are present strip any random defence. You may also specify one of the listed defences and target that on in particular:<br>Shield, chargeshield, insulation, and temperance.<br>* Note that this spell is special in that instead of increasing resonance, when you successfully strip a defence all resonance you possess is decreased by one level.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Destroy the sustaining partita harmonic.
|required=200 mana
|channels=Air and Earth
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Before using a cube sigil to destroy bardic harmonics you may need to first suppress the partita harmonic that protects the other harmonics from the cube sigil. This ability will do just that.

With this spell, you can create an illusion of your choosing in the room about you. You may embed a single newline by using the character sequence \n in your illusion. For limitations and restrictions, please refer to HELP ILLUSIONS.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Quake         
|description=The magic of channel binding.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Open cracks in the ground to drain away water.
|syntax=BIND <channel>/ALL
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|required=150 mana
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST QUAKE
|cooldown=1.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Like fortification, binding provides protection against losing your channels due to others attacking them. If a channel that is unfortified is attacked, binding will protect that channel a large percentage of the time. It has a willpower loss associated with it, however.<br>If you choose to BIND ALL, the mana and equilibrium costs will be what it costs for a single channel binding, multiplied by however many channels you have open.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Earth
|description=Cast a spell of extreme cold at your enemies.
|required=500 mana
|channels=Air and Water
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This spell is a magnified version of the freeze spell, except that it is not targetable. It will attack all those in the room who are your enemy.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Cast an illusion of your choosing.
|syntax=CAST ILLUSION [LETHAL] <illusion><br>CAST <target> ILLUSION [LETHAL] <illusion>
|required=50 mana
|channels=Air and Fire
|cooldown=2.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=With this spell, you can create an illusion of your choosing in the room about you. You may embed a single newline by using the character sequence \n in your illusion. For limitations and restrictions, please refer to HELP ILLUSIONS.

By summoning forth a minor earthquake, you are able to drain away any water that may be flooding your location.
| bgcolor=#149200 | '''''Eclipse'''''         
|description=Parallel channeling.
| bgcolor=#149200 | Bedazzle your foe with a celestial bolt.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | [[Icewall]]           
|required=1000 mana
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Conjure up an obstructing ice wall.
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|detail=Using this fine ability, you will simultaneously open channels to the Air, Water, Earth, and Fire realms.
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST ICEWALL <direction>

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Water
|description=Call down the wrath of the storm upon multiple enemies.
|syntax=CAST STORMHAMMER AT <target> [AND <target> [AND <target>]]
|required=1200 mana
|channels=Air and Fire
|target=Adventurers and denizens
|cooldown=6.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This powerful attack can cast a lightning bolt at one, two, or three adventurers or denizens.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Create a delayed explosion of immense power.
|syntax=CAST HOLOCAUST <seconds> (Between 10 and 60)
|required=1500 mana
|cooldown=6.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This extremely powerful spell creates a magical bomb with a timer on it. When the time runs out, the bomb will explode in a massive, fiery holocaust.

This spell will create a wall of elemental ice, blocking the passage of those who would seek to pass by.
| bgcolor=#149200 | '''''Rainstorm'''''         
|description=A delayed eruption of magmatic fury.
| bgcolor=#149200 | Open the skies and deluge the earth.
|syntax=CAST MAGMASPHERE <seconds>
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Simultaneity       
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Parallel channeling.
|channels=Earth and Fire
|target=Adventurers and room
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
: '''Syntax:'''            SIMULTANEITY
|detail=This powerful spell creates a sphere of magma that, after some time has elapsed (specified by you), will violently explode. The flying stone has a chance to break the limbs of any in the current location in addition to the significant damage that it will always deal.

: '''Details:'''
|description=The freezing touch of Sllshya.
|syntax=CAST HYPOTHERMIA AT <target>
|required=60 mana
|channels=Air and Water
|cooldown=2.60 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=With this higher order spell, if your enemy is already frozen, you may bring a terrible cold down upon him or her, removing their ability to heal their frozen state.<br>* This affliction is cured via the restoration salve.

Using this fine ability, you will simultaneously open channels to the Air, Water, Earth, and Fire realms.
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Staff'''             
|description=A downpour of stone.
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Summon an elemental staff.
|syntax=CAST SHALESTORM AT <target>
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
|required=100 mana
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST STAFF
:::                  STAFFCAST DISSOLUTION AT   <adventurer/denizen(magical damage)
:::                  STAFFCAST LIGHTNING AT    <adventurer/denizen> (electric damage)
  |cooldown=2.40 seconds of equilibrium
:::                  STAFFCAST SCINTILLA AT    <adventurer/denizen> (fire damage)
  |detail=This higher order earth spell will summon up a storm of rocks to periodically pummel your victim(*). For every two times the rocks pummel a victim, your resonance with the Elemental Plane of Earth will decrease. The storm will cease once your resonance is gone entirely.<br>* This will do damage and break a random limb of your victim if your victim is unshielded. If they are shielded, it will break the shield.
:::                  STAFFCAST HORRIPILATION AT <adventurer/denizen> (cold damage)

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water, Earth, Fire
|description=The very world shall burn at your command.
|required=50 mana
|channels=Air and Fire
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This formidable higher order fire spell will call a rampant firestorm into being. This will spread to all adjacent rooms and will periodically sear the flesh of any who stand within said locations.<br>Be warned. Fire is truly an indiscriminate force. You shall not be spared from a firestorm, even if you were the one to call it forth.

: '''Details:'''
|description=A doom of Maklak's make.
|syntax=CAST GLACIATE AT <target>
|required=50 mana
|channels=Air and Water
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This higher order spell will inflict terrible damage upon those that are already frozen.

The elemental staff is perhaps the magi's strongest pure-damage attack.
| bgcolor=#149200 | '''''Viridian'''''           
|description=Summon forth a terrible conflagration.
| bgcolor=#149200 | Use the elements to transform into a mighty Viridian.
|syntax=CAST CONFLAGRATE AT <target>
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Diamondskin'''       
|required=150 mana
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Give your skin diamond-like hardening.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
|cooldown=2.35 seconds of equilibrium
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST DIAMONDSKIN
|detail=This higher order fire spell will cause a conflagration to engulf your target. This conflagration will deal periodic damage until the person is able to extinguish it. The only way to do this is to remove all traces of the ablaze affliction from their person.<br>For the purposes of this spell, suitably vulnerable requires that the target has two or more stacks of the ablaze affliction.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Water, Earth, Fire
|description=The elements unleashed.
|required=100 mana
|channels=Air, Earth, Water and Fire
|cooldown=2.40 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This higher order spell will allow you, when you are majorly resonant with one of the Elemental Planes, to unleash all of your accumulated power in a single devastating strike. This clears any resonance you have with the given Plane, and each type has a various affect:<br>Air: your target will be struck down with paralysis and dizziness, as well as being stunned for a short time.<br>Earth: your target's skull will become calcified.<br>Fire: your target will be given two stacks of the ablaze affliction. Water: your target will be given a level of freeze (or have the insulation defence stripped), and will be disrupted.<br>All emanations deal damage.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Life's water will ever run clear.
|required=1000 mana
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=With major resonance to the Elemental Plane of Water achieved, you may cast this higher order to keep your blood and body ever clean of many malign forces(*). This removes all of your resonance with all Elemental Planes, lasts ten seconds and carries a long cooldown.<br>* You will become immune to many afflictions (primarily those cured by herbs and minerals) while this defence lasts.

Greatly increase your resistance to cutting damage, and modestly increase your resistance to blunt damage, by adding diamond-like hardness to your skin. The protection afforded increases with your skill in elementalism.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Unweave             
|description=Unbounded arcane might.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | A way to unweave Talisman Pieces and gain gold.
|syntax=CAST CONVERGENCE AT <target>
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|required=300 mana
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST UNWEAVE <number> <Talisman piece name> <piece level>
|channels=Air, Earth, Water and Fire
|cooldown=2.90 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This formidable higher order spell requires that your victim has progressed to the fourth stage of the dissonance affliction and requires moderate resonance to all of the Elemental Planes at a minimum. You may then place this mark upon your target, and thus spell their doom. A target you have converged is vulnerable to your staffcast magic no matter where they might flee upon your current continent, and your scrying magic will incur no equilibrium when seeking them out. Additionally, they will become very vulnerable to all forms of elemental and magical damage coming from your arcane personage, and your magic will bypass any shield or prismatic barrier they may attempt to raise(*).<br>* Or similar defences.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water, Earth, Fire
|description=Blow someone in a direction with a gust of wind.
|syntax=CAST GUST<br>CAST GUST AT <target> <direction>
|required=40 mana
|target=Adventurers and room
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=By channeling the element of air, you can either blow a fog or cloud out of the room, or blow an adventurer in a particular direction.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Attack with elemental fire.
|syntax=CAST FIRELASH AT <target>/<icewall>/<totem>/GROUND/VINES
|required=120 mana
|target=Adventurers, denizens, and room
|detail=By lashing out with fire, you may damage an adventurer or a denizen, melt an icewall, clear an overgrowthed totem, or melt ice-covered ground. Note that you can hit adventurers with this from an adjacent room, and when cast in room against an adventurer it will also set them ablaze. 

Unweave is simply the ability to take a Talisman piece (see HELP TALISMANS) and turn it (or them) into gold.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Efreeti           
|description=Chill another adventurer.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Call a fiery efreeti to your aid.
|syntax=CAST FREEZE AT GROUND/<target>
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |  
|required=Ground: 200 mana<br>Targetted: 100 mana
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST EFREETI
|channels=Air and Water
|cooldown=Ground: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium<br>Targetted: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=When casting freeze at the ground, you will cause a coating of ice to cover it, causing others to slip occasionally. When casting it at another adventurer, you will first strip the insulation defence if the target has it, then cause the target to shiver, and finally freeze him. If you successfully cast this upon a target (for example, a heat vibration does not stop it), it also causes damage.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Fire
|description=Knock someone out of the trees or the sky.
|syntax=CAST GEYSER AT <target>
|required=100 mana
|channels=Earth, Fire and Water
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Using this ability, you may knock a flying or treed adventurer out of the skies or trees. If you have major resonance with the Elemental Plane of Water, your target will also be disrupted.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Make them vulnerable to the consuming flame.
|syntax=CAST DEHYDRATE AT <target>
|required=45 mana
|channels=Fire and Water
|cooldown=2.30 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This working of fire and water will sap the excess moisture from your victim, making them become dehydrated for a time(*) and suffer some damage.<br>* Gives the nausea and weariness afflictions.<br>** If they already have weariness, they will be given a stack of burning. If they already have nausea, gives a stack of freeze. If they have both, it gives burning (not both freeze and burning).

One of the four elementals that you can summon, the efreeti will begin spinning about, setting your enemies on fire.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Transfix           
|description=Fry your enemies with awesome bolts of lightning.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Mesmerize your target into inaction.
|syntax=CAST FULMINATE AT <target>
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|required=120 mana
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST TRANSFIX AT <adventurer>
|channels=Fire and Air
|cooldown=2.40 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Strike down an adventurer with a sizzling bolt of lightning.<br>* Gives the fulminated affliction. If they already have this affliction, gives the epilepsy affliction. If they have both, gives the paralysis affliction.<br>** Also deals damage.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Fire
|description=A trivial application of Air and Earth.
|syntax=CAST BOMBARD <target>
|required=50 mana
|channels=Earth and Air
|cooldown=2.40 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This trivial application of Air and Earth summons up a flurry of small rocks to bombard and disorient a foe.<br>* Gives the clumsiness affliction.

: '''Details:'''
|description=A sludge to send them sprawling.
|syntax=CAST MUDSLIDE AT <target>
|required=90 mana
|channels=Earth and Water
|cooldown=2.30 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Summon up a sticky tide of mud to knock your foe sprawling and leave them covered in sludge.<br>* Deals some damage, and gives the slickness affliction as well as knocking the target prone.

By creating a mesmerizing pattern of fire, you may transfix an opponent into inaction. Blindness will prevent this, but this will remove the blindness.
| bgcolor=#149200 | '''''Vinewreathe'''''           
|description=Rock to boil and bubble.
| bgcolor=#149200 | Call upon Nature to hinder your foe.
|syntax=CAST MAGMA AT <target>
| bgcolor=#4778CB | '''Staffstrike'''             
|required=90 mana
| bgcolor=#4778CB | Supplement a physical strike with elemental power.
|channels=Earth and Fire
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#297ABD |
|cooldown=2.30 seconds of equilibrium
: '''Syntax:'''            STAFFSTRIKE <adventurer> WITH <element*> [limb]
|detail=Summon up a boiling tide of magma to scald the flesh of your foe with(*).<br>* Gives the scalded affliction and deals some damage.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water, Earth, Fire
::: * Elements: AIR  - Strip your target's aura of rebounding, or throw your target  to the floor with a blast of wind.
:::                  EARTH - Break a random limb on your target.
|description=Mesmerize your target into inaction.
:::                  FIRE  - Burn away the frost defense from your foe while setting them alight.
:::                  WATER - Increase the level of chill in your opponent's bloodstream.
|syntax=CAST TRANSFIX AT <target>
|required=200 mana
|channels=Air and Fire
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=By creating a mesmerising pattern of fire, you may transfix an opponent into inaction. Blindness will prevent this, but this will remove the blindness in the process. When the blindness is removed, if you are moderately resonant with both the Elemental Planes of Air and Fire, your target will also be afflicted with stupidity.<br>* Note that you only gain resonance and the associated affects when transfix unblinds. When it transfixes proper, your resonance decay will be reset but you will not gain any of the associated benefits on that cast.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Create a distracting illusion of yourself.
|syntax=CAST REFLECTION AT ME/<target>
|required=50 mana
|channels=Air and Fire
|target=Adventurers and self
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=By focusing the light of fire through a prism of elemental air, you can create a magical reflection of yourself, which will absorb one attack before being destroyed. You may only have one reflection at a time.

Channel the elemental forces, delivering a powerful blow and unleashing a portion of the vast energy of the channeled element. Should you have TARGETING in weaponry, you may use this to target specific limbs.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Hailstorm         
|description=Coat your fists with rock and punch with more power.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Call down a hailstorm to pummel everyone else in the room.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|required=60 mana
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST HAILSTORM
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=By coating your fists in stone, you'll find yourself better able to grip your staff against attempts to pull it from your grasp..

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Water
|description=Create a protective but supple layer of stone around you.
|required=75 mana
|cooldown=2.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Similar to the manner in which stonefist coats your fists in stone, stoneskin coats much of your body in stone, providing some protection against physical attacks (more from blunt than from cutting damage). As your skill in elementalism increases, so will the protection this ability affords you.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Create a magical shield to resist electric damage.
|syntax=CAST CHARGESHIELD AT ME/<target>
|required=200 mana
|channels=Air and Earth
|target=Adventurers and self
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=The chargeshield is a defensive spell which will provide you with some protection from electric attacks.

With this spell, you may rain hailstones down upon all your enemies in the room.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Stormhammer       
|description=Boil off that which afflicts you.
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Call down the wrath of the storm upon multiple enemies.
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|required=75 mana
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST STORMHAMMER AT <target> [ AND <target> [ AND <target> ] ]
|channels=Fire and Water
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Through the purifying powers of fire, and the recuperative powers of water, you may cure yourself of an affliction with this spell. If you suffer under the haemophilia affliction your blood will be too thin for this spell to take affect, and if you have both major resonance with the Elemental Planes of Fire and Water this ability will have a chance to cure a second affliction.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Air, Fire
|description=Give your skin diamond-like hardening.
|required=175 mana
|channels=Earth, Fire and Water
|cooldown=2.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Greatly increase your resistance to cutting damage, and modestly increase your resistance to blunt damage, by adding diamond-like hardness to your skin. The protection afforded increases with your skill in elementalism.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Create a wall of elemental fire.
|syntax=CAST FIREWALL <direction>
|required=100 mana
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Channeling the power of elemental fire, you will create walls of burning flame.

This powerful attack can cast a lightning bolt at one, two, or three adventurers or denizens.
| bgcolor=#149200 | '''''Heartseed'''''
|description=Conjure up obscuring fog.
| bgcolor=#149200 | Send Nature's touch to destroy your enemy from within.
|syntax=CAST FOG
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Holocaust         
|required=250 mana
| bgcolor=#01AEBE | Create a delayed explosion of immense power.
|channels=Air and Water
| colspan=2 bgcolor=#299F96 |
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
: '''Syntax:'''            CAST HOLOCAUST <seconds> (Between 10 and 60)
|detail=With the powers of air and water, you may cause an elemental fog to fill your surroundings.

: '''Extra Information:''' Channels: Fire
|description=Create choking fumes in your surroundings.
|required=200 mana
|channels=Air and Earth
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This spell will create a noxious cloud in your location, choking those around you.

: '''Details:'''
|description=Drown a location in water.
|syntax=CAST FLOOD
|required=250 mana
|cooldown=4.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=Channel the power of elemental water to flood the room you stand in.

This extremely powerful spell creates a magical bomb with a timer on it. When the time runs out, the bomb will explode in a massive, fiery holocaust.
|description=Open cracks in the ground to drain away water.
=====See also=====
|syntax=CAST QUAKE
|required=250 mana
|cooldown=3.20 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=By summoning forth a minor earthquake, you are able to drain away any water that may be flooding your location.

|description=Conjure up an obstructing icewall.
|syntax=CAST ICEWALL <direction>
|required=100 mana
|cooldown=3.00 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=This spell will create a wall of elemental ice, blocking the passage of those who would seek to pass by.

|description=Call down a hailstorm to pummel everyone else in the room.
|required=500 mana
|channels=Air and Water
|cooldown=3.50 seconds of equilibrium
|detail=With this spell, you may rain hailstones down upon all your enemies in the room.

[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Edit needed]]

Latest revision as of 02:53, 13 March 2025

Elementalism is a relatively straightforward skill. By opening channels to four of the five Elemental realms (Magi do not use the Spirit realm), practitioners can cast a wide variety of elementally-based offensive and defensive spells. The effects of these spells might range from summoning an efreeti to calling down the might of Vastar, the Skylord, in the Stormhammer, to bringing forth fog or hail. Elementalism used to be practised by the Sylvan class as well, but was abandoned in 680 AF when they syncronised their abilities with a great storm and it was replaced with the skill of Propagation.

The skill of Elementalism is available to members Magi class, along with Crystalism and Artificing.

Abilities in Elementalism

Channel Open conduits to the Elemental Realms.
Required: 200 mana
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Self
Cooldown: 1.50 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Using this ability, you may open a channel to one of the four basic elemental realms. Keeping these channels open has a cost in willpower. SEVER

AIR/WATER/EARTH/FIRE will close that channel. CHANNELS will list what channels you have open.

Note: {{{note}}}
Light Light up your surroundings.
Required: 50 mana
Channels: Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With the illuminating power of fire, you may momentarily reveal those in the room who may be hiding.
Note: {{{note}}}
Fortification Protect your open channels from attack.
Syntax: FORTIFY <channel>
Required: 100 mana
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Self
Cooldown: 1.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Using this ability will provide you protection against abilities that may attack your open elemental channels. These abilities will first have to attack your fortification before destroying your channel. However, fortify does have a regular willpower cost associated with it.

If you choose to fortify all, the mana and eq costs will be the cost of fortifying a single channel multiplied by the number of channels you have open.

Note: {{{note}}}
Scry Locate another adventurer.
Syntax: CAST SCRY AT <target>
Required: 30 mana
Channels: Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 1.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By summoning up an image in a pool of water, you are able to scry for the location of a target.
Note: {{{note}}}
Resonance The Elemental Planes are at your fingertips.
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Certain Elemental Spells cause a form of resonance with the Elemental Planes upon which they draw(*). As your resonance grows, the last target of the spell you cast to cause that increase in resonance will suffer various affects, listed below. Resonance is fleeting and will fade over time.

-Minor resonance: gives asthma.
-Moderate resonance: gives sensitivity.
-Major resonance: gives healthleech.
-Minor resonance: breaks a random limb (it will always pick an unbroken limb).
-Moderate resonance: stuns the target for a short time and gives paralysis.
-Major resonance: gives cracked ribs (it does not increase the number of cracked ribs a target has - only ever gives the base affliction).
-Minor resonance: gives an affect which prevents the raising of the temperance defence (does not strip this defence, however).
-Moderate resonance: strips the temperance defence. If this defence is already stripped, sets the target ablaze and deals some damage.
-Major resonance: gives the blistered affliction. If they're already blistered, gives a stack of the ablaze affliction.
-Minor resonance: gives the frostbite affliction. If it is already present, does some damage.
-Moderate resonance: gives the stuttering affliction and deals some cold damage.
-Major resonance: gives the anorexia affliction.

* These are listed under AB ELEMENTALISM.
** Note that resonance is only generated if your spell is targeted against an adventurer who is directly within your location when it resolves (i.e. ranged firelash will not generate resonance, but in room will).
*** You can set your verbosity for seeing resonance messages to none, low or high. The default is low.
Note: {{{note}}}
Erode Destroy the defences of your opponent.
Syntax: CAST ERODE AT <target> [defence]
Required: 75 mana
Channels: Air, Earth, Fire and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers and denizens
Cooldown: 2.50 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With the destructive fury of all the elements at your command, you may destroy a defence on an opponent. This spell will strip the first defence it does not find from the below list, and if none are present strip any random defence. You may also specify one of the listed defences and target that on in particular:
Shield, chargeshield, insulation, and temperance.
* Note that this spell is special in that instead of increasing resonance, when you successfully strip a defence all resonance you possess is decreased by one level.
Note: {{{note}}}
Suppression Destroy the sustaining partita harmonic.
Required: 200 mana
Channels: Air and Earth
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Before using a cube sigil to destroy bardic harmonics you may need to first suppress the partita harmonic that protects the other harmonics from the cube sigil. This ability will do just that.
Note: {{{note}}}
Binding The magic of channel binding.
Syntax: BIND <channel>/ALL
Required: 150 mana
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 1.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Like fortification, binding provides protection against losing your channels due to others attacking them. If a channel that is unfortified is attacked, binding will protect that channel a large percentage of the time. It has a willpower loss associated with it, however.
If you choose to BIND ALL, the mana and equilibrium costs will be what it costs for a single channel binding, multiplied by however many channels you have open.
Note: {{{note}}}
Deepfreeze Cast a spell of extreme cold at your enemies.
Required: 500 mana
Channels: Air and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This spell is a magnified version of the freeze spell, except that it is not targetable. It will attack all those in the room who are your enemy.
Note: {{{note}}}
Illusion Cast an illusion of your choosing.
Syntax: CAST ILLUSION [LETHAL] <illusion>
CAST <target> ILLUSION [LETHAL] <illusion>
Required: 50 mana
Channels: Air and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 2.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With this spell, you can create an illusion of your choosing in the room about you. You may embed a single newline by using the character sequence \n in your illusion. For limitations and restrictions, please refer to HELP ILLUSIONS.
Note: {{{note}}}
Simultaneity Parallel channeling.
Required: 1000 mana
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Self
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Using this fine ability, you will simultaneously open channels to the Air, Water, Earth, and Fire realms.
Note: {{{note}}}
Stormhammer Call down the wrath of the storm upon multiple enemies.
Syntax: CAST STORMHAMMER AT <target> [AND <target> [AND <target>]]
Required: 1200 mana
Channels: Air and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers and denizens
Cooldown: 6.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This powerful attack can cast a lightning bolt at one, two, or three adventurers or denizens.
Note: {{{note}}}
Holocaust Create a delayed explosion of immense power.
Syntax: CAST HOLOCAUST <seconds> (Between 10 and 60)
Required: 1500 mana
Channels: Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 6.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This extremely powerful spell creates a magical bomb with a timer on it. When the time runs out, the bomb will explode in a massive, fiery holocaust.
Note: {{{note}}}
Magmasphere A delayed eruption of magmatic fury.
Syntax: CAST MAGMASPHERE <seconds>
Channels: Earth and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers and room
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This powerful spell creates a sphere of magma that, after some time has elapsed (specified by you), will violently explode. The flying stone has a chance to break the limbs of any in the current location in addition to the significant damage that it will always deal.
Note: {{{note}}}
Hypothermia The freezing touch of Sllshya.
Syntax: CAST HYPOTHERMIA AT <target>
Required: 60 mana
Channels: Air and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 2.60 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With this higher order spell, if your enemy is already frozen, you may bring a terrible cold down upon him or her, removing their ability to heal their frozen state.
* This affliction is cured via the restoration salve.
Note: {{{note}}}
Shalestorm A downpour of stone.
Syntax: CAST SHALESTORM AT <target>
Required: 100 mana
Channels: Earth
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 2.40 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This higher order earth spell will summon up a storm of rocks to periodically pummel your victim(*). For every two times the rocks pummel a victim, your resonance with the Elemental Plane of Earth will decrease. The storm will cease once your resonance is gone entirely.
* This will do damage and break a random limb of your victim if your victim is unshielded. If they are shielded, it will break the shield.
Note: {{{note}}}
Firestorm The very world shall burn at your command.
Required: 50 mana
Channels: Air and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This formidable higher order fire spell will call a rampant firestorm into being. This will spread to all adjacent rooms and will periodically sear the flesh of any who stand within said locations.
Be warned. Fire is truly an indiscriminate force. You shall not be spared from a firestorm, even if you were the one to call it forth.
Note: {{{note}}}
Glaciate A doom of Maklak's make.
Syntax: CAST GLACIATE AT <target>
Required: 50 mana
Channels: Air and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This higher order spell will inflict terrible damage upon those that are already frozen.
Note: {{{note}}}
Conflagrate Summon forth a terrible conflagration.
Syntax: CAST CONFLAGRATE AT <target>
Required: 150 mana
Channels: Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 2.35 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This higher order fire spell will cause a conflagration to engulf your target. This conflagration will deal periodic damage until the person is able to extinguish it. The only way to do this is to remove all traces of the ablaze affliction from their person.
For the purposes of this spell, suitably vulnerable requires that the target has two or more stacks of the ablaze affliction.
Note: {{{note}}}
Emanation The elements unleashed.
Syntax: CAST EMANATION AT <target> <AIR
Required: 100 mana
Channels: Air, Earth, Water and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 2.40 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This higher order spell will allow you, when you are majorly resonant with one of the Elemental Planes, to unleash all of your accumulated power in a single devastating strike. This clears any resonance you have with the given Plane, and each type has a various affect:
Air: your target will be struck down with paralysis and dizziness, as well as being stunned for a short time.
Earth: your target's skull will become calcified.
Fire: your target will be given two stacks of the ablaze affliction. Water: your target will be given a level of freeze (or have the insulation defence stripped), and will be disrupted.
All emanations deal damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Purity Life's water will ever run clear.
Required: 1000 mana
Channels: Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With major resonance to the Elemental Plane of Water achieved, you may cast this higher order to keep your blood and body ever clean of many malign forces(*). This removes all of your resonance with all Elemental Planes, lasts ten seconds and carries a long cooldown.
* You will become immune to many afflictions (primarily those cured by herbs and minerals) while this defence lasts.
Note: {{{note}}}
Convergence Unbounded arcane might.
Syntax: CAST CONVERGENCE AT <target>
Required: 300 mana
Channels: Air, Earth, Water and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 2.90 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This formidable higher order spell requires that your victim has progressed to the fourth stage of the dissonance affliction and requires moderate resonance to all of the Elemental Planes at a minimum. You may then place this mark upon your target, and thus spell their doom. A target you have converged is vulnerable to your staffcast magic no matter where they might flee upon your current continent, and your scrying magic will incur no equilibrium when seeking them out. Additionally, they will become very vulnerable to all forms of elemental and magical damage coming from your arcane personage, and your magic will bypass any shield or prismatic barrier they may attempt to raise(*).
* Or similar defences.
Note: {{{note}}}
Gust Blow someone in a direction with a gust of wind.
CAST GUST AT <target> <direction>
Required: 40 mana
Channels: Air
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers and room
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By channeling the element of air, you can either blow a fog or cloud out of the room, or blow an adventurer in a particular direction.
Note: {{{note}}}
Firelash Attack with elemental fire.
Syntax: CAST FIRELASH AT <target>/<icewall>/<totem>/GROUND/VINES
Required: 120 mana
Channels: Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers, denizens, and room
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By lashing out with fire, you may damage an adventurer or a denizen, melt an icewall, clear an overgrowthed totem, or melt ice-covered ground. Note that you can hit adventurers with this from an adjacent room, and when cast in room against an adventurer it will also set them ablaze.
Note: {{{note}}}
Freeze Chill another adventurer.
Syntax: CAST FREEZE AT GROUND/<target>
Required: Ground: 200 mana
Targetted: 100 mana
Channels: Air and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: Ground: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Targetted: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: When casting freeze at the ground, you will cause a coating of ice to cover it, causing others to slip occasionally. When casting it at another adventurer, you will first strip the insulation defence if the target has it, then cause the target to shiver, and finally freeze him. If you successfully cast this upon a target (for example, a heat vibration does not stop it), it also causes damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Geyser Knock someone out of the trees or the sky.
Syntax: CAST GEYSER AT <target>
Required: 100 mana
Channels: Earth, Fire and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Using this ability, you may knock a flying or treed adventurer out of the skies or trees. If you have major resonance with the Elemental Plane of Water, your target will also be disrupted.
Note: {{{note}}}
Dehydrate Make them vulnerable to the consuming flame.
Syntax: CAST DEHYDRATE AT <target>
Required: 45 mana
Channels: Fire and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 2.30 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This working of fire and water will sap the excess moisture from your victim, making them become dehydrated for a time(*) and suffer some damage.
* Gives the nausea and weariness afflictions.
** If they already have weariness, they will be given a stack of burning. If they already have nausea, gives a stack of freeze. If they have both, it gives burning (not both freeze and burning).
Note: {{{note}}}
Fulminate Fry your enemies with awesome bolts of lightning.
Syntax: CAST FULMINATE AT <target>
Required: 120 mana
Channels: Fire and Air
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 2.40 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Strike down an adventurer with a sizzling bolt of lightning.
* Gives the fulminated affliction. If they already have this affliction, gives the epilepsy affliction. If they have both, gives the paralysis affliction.
** Also deals damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Bombard A trivial application of Air and Earth.
Syntax: CAST BOMBARD <target>
Required: 50 mana
Channels: Earth and Air
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 2.40 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This trivial application of Air and Earth summons up a flurry of small rocks to bombard and disorient a foe.
* Gives the clumsiness affliction.
Note: {{{note}}}
Mudslide A sludge to send them sprawling.
Syntax: CAST MUDSLIDE AT <target>
Required: 90 mana
Channels: Earth and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 2.30 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Summon up a sticky tide of mud to knock your foe sprawling and leave them covered in sludge.
* Deals some damage, and gives the slickness affliction as well as knocking the target prone.
Note: {{{note}}}
Magma Rock to boil and bubble.
Syntax: CAST MAGMA AT <target>
Required: 90 mana
Channels: Earth and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 2.30 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Summon up a boiling tide of magma to scald the flesh of your foe with(*).
* Gives the scalded affliction and deals some damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Transfix Mesmerize your target into inaction.
Syntax: CAST TRANSFIX AT <target>
Required: 200 mana
Channels: Air and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By creating a mesmerising pattern of fire, you may transfix an opponent into inaction. Blindness will prevent this, but this will remove the blindness in the process. When the blindness is removed, if you are moderately resonant with both the Elemental Planes of Air and Fire, your target will also be afflicted with stupidity.
* Note that you only gain resonance and the associated affects when transfix unblinds. When it transfixes proper, your resonance decay will be reset but you will not gain any of the associated benefits on that cast.
Note: {{{note}}}
Reflection Create a distracting illusion of yourself.
Syntax: CAST REFLECTION AT ME/<target>
Required: 50 mana
Channels: Air and Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers and self
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By focusing the light of fire through a prism of elemental air, you can create a magical reflection of yourself, which will absorb one attack before being destroyed. You may only have one reflection at a time.
Note: {{{note}}}
Stonefist Coat your fists with rock and punch with more power.
Required: 60 mana
Channels: Earth
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Self
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By coating your fists in stone, you'll find yourself better able to grip your staff against attempts to pull it from your grasp..
Note: {{{note}}}
Stoneskin Create a protective but supple layer of stone around you.
Required: 75 mana
Channels: Earth
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Self
Cooldown: 2.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Similar to the manner in which stonefist coats your fists in stone, stoneskin coats much of your body in stone, providing some protection against physical attacks (more from blunt than from cutting damage). As your skill in elementalism increases, so will the protection this ability affords you.
Note: {{{note}}}
Chargeshield Create a magical shield to resist electric damage.
Required: 200 mana
Channels: Air and Earth
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers and self
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: The chargeshield is a defensive spell which will provide you with some protection from electric attacks.
Note: {{{note}}}
Bloodboil Boil off that which afflicts you.
Required: 75 mana
Channels: Fire and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Self
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Through the purifying powers of fire, and the recuperative powers of water, you may cure yourself of an affliction with this spell. If you suffer under the haemophilia affliction your blood will be too thin for this spell to take affect, and if you have both major resonance with the Elemental Planes of Fire and Water this ability will have a chance to cure a second affliction.
Note: {{{note}}}
Diamondskin Give your skin diamond-like hardening.
Required: 175 mana
Channels: Earth, Fire and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Self
Cooldown: 2.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Greatly increase your resistance to cutting damage, and modestly increase your resistance to blunt damage, by adding diamond-like hardness to your skin. The protection afforded increases with your skill in elementalism.
Note: {{{note}}}
Firewall Create a wall of elemental fire.
Syntax: CAST FIREWALL <direction>
Required: 100 mana
Channels: Fire
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Channeling the power of elemental fire, you will create walls of burning flame.
Note: {{{note}}}
Fog Conjure up obscuring fog.
Syntax: CAST FOG
Required: 250 mana
Channels: Air and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With the powers of air and water, you may cause an elemental fog to fill your surroundings.
Note: {{{note}}}
Hellfumes Create choking fumes in your surroundings.
Syntax: Hellfumes
Required: 200 mana
Channels: Air and Earth
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This spell will create a noxious cloud in your location, choking those around you.
Note: {{{note}}}
Flood Drown a location in water.
Required: 250 mana
Channels: Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 4.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Channel the power of elemental water to flood the room you stand in.
Note: {{{note}}}
Quake Open cracks in the ground to drain away water.
Required: 250 mana
Channels: Earth
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 3.20 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By summoning forth a minor earthquake, you are able to drain away any water that may be flooding your location.
Note: {{{note}}}
Icewall Conjure up an obstructing icewall.
Syntax: CAST ICEWALL <direction>
Required: 100 mana
Channels: Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 3.00 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This spell will create a wall of elemental ice, blocking the passage of those who would seek to pass by.
Note: {{{note}}}
Hailstorm Call down a hailstorm to pummel everyone else in the room.
Required: 500 mana
Channels: Air and Water
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Room
Cooldown: 3.50 seconds of equilibrium
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With this spell, you may rain hailstones down upon all your enemies in the room.
Note: {{{note}}}