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Being one of the most difficult realms to understand, the definition of Darkness is often kept within the clandestine corners of Achaea.  
Being one of the most difficult realms to understand or have access to, the "Definition" of Darkness is often kept within the clandestine corners of Achaea. It is categorized as being undefinable, ever-changing, and difficult to pinpoint, much like [[Twilight]].
== An extract from: Modern Darkness Third Edition ==
Perhaps the question I am asked most by aspiring students or outsiders
with an academic interest is "What is Darkness?"

This is no easy question to answer; there is no single phrase summary
== Core Beliefs of Darkness ==
that adequately encapsulates the entirety of Darkness. Yet try we must
to provide something digestible.

Darkness is both a spiritual ideal and a physical manifestation of
*Darkness is both a spiritual ideal and a physical manifestation of concepts.  
concepts. Both of these play a role in the Order of Twilight, though my
*Darkness is seen as the natural order in which ideas, possibilities, whole worlds, and civilizations spring forth.
focus rests primarily upon the spiritual and conceptual.
*Darkness is the idea of forbidden knowledge made manifest. The foremost among which is the concept of free thought and agency. Free thought and independence of mind is the fundamental gift offered by Darkness.
*Darkness teaches that the great illusion of mortality is the idea of laws, morals, rules, and divine edicts being inviolable.  
Physically, Darkness covers the land in the absence of light. In the
*Darkness teaches that Gods force false morals upon Their adherents to maintain the act, often demanding binding, restrictive oaths of fealty upon those who enter direct service.  
beginning, when Creation was young and Ayar had not yet willed all the
*Conflict, Strife, Deceit, Identity, and Manipulation are the tools employed by the Dark Lord's chosen followers, to return Darkness to the Natural Order.
planes and worlds into existence, Darkness reigned as the natural order.
It is from this physical Darkness that all else came forth. It is the
untapped potential, the unbound spark, the great and vast unknown from
which ideas, possibilities, whole worlds and civilisations spring forth
without limit.
Darkness is the crucible, and indeed, creation invariably begins in the
dark places: the womb, the mind, or, on a higher level, the nascent
multiverse prior to Ayar-now-Sarapis's inception of all that came after.
Light, in contrast, is an intrusion into this perfect and natural state
of possibility. Its presence banishes Darkness, while creating nothing
of its own.
Yet potential alone is nothing. Most lives have potential, and
possibilities are myriad in all areas of the world. It is what one does
with that potential to transform it from a mere possibility into a
tangible reality that matters most. Therein lies the spiritual
manifestation of Darkness, with which the remainder of this work
concerns itself.
Spiritually, Darkness is the idea of forbidden knowledge made manifest.
This forbidden knowledge takes many forms, the foremost among which is
the concept of free thought and agency. Free thought and independence of
mind are the fundamental gifts of the Lord of Mysteries: an existence
and mindset where ideas, concepts, and opinions can flourish without the
restrictions and rules of either morality or arbitrary divine law. This
state of being is known as Awakening.
The great illusion of mortality is the idea of laws, morals, rules, and
divine edicts being inviolable. When Life first came to Creation,
wrought by the Earthmother's hand, much of the pantheon viewed this gift
as an opportunity to cultivate worship of Themselves, orchestrating this
deliberate facade in order to convince and beguile mortals into devoted
service. Eons later, the principle remains, serving a single purpose: to
maintain control in order to ensure that the zealous continue to be
zealous, that the blind remain blind in their worship, and to deprive
them of agency so that they act as what are essentially shackled slaves
to the notions of Good, Light, Evil, Chaos, Nature, or otherwise.
These Gods force false morals upon Their adherents to maintain the act,
often demanding binding, restrictive oaths of fealty upon those who
enter direct service. That some maintain a loose life of freedom is
irrelevant to the larger picture; there is invariably some rule or
decree that limits that freedom in some way. Some would argue that
entering service like this is itself a choice freely made, yet I would
contend that those choosing are denied the Truth required to make an
objective choice to begin with.
In contrast, Darkness seeks to awaken the masses to these unnatural
intrusions upon their freedom, encouraging them to peel back the veil
and see the Truth of reality laid bare, without the tainted perceptions
of divine dogma or blurred interpretations built upon millennia of blind
faith and worship.
Often wrongly and spitefully named Father of Lies, the God of Darkness
denounces these 'other' religions as precisely what they are:
falsehoods. Truth exists as the foremost principle of Darkness, and it
is this Truth that we aim to expose to the world, enabling others to
cast off the shackles that bind them and free their minds from the
tyranny of divine control.
Rarely is this Truth comfortable or easily swallowed. Resistance is
fierce and often violent. We work to unravel myriad generations of
indoctrination, a system so intricate and long-established that
dependence on it causes those very same mortals who are chained by it,
to fight for its protection. As a consequence, Darkwalkers have been
forced to work in secret since the founding of their order, often
wearing public faces while carrying out their mission of Truth behind
the scenes - a mission known as His Great Work.
Conflict, Strife, Deceit, Identity, and Manipulation are the tools
employed by the Dark Lord's chosen few, forced to operate with stealth
and guile within a system designed to destroy them. On the surface,
these Arts may run counter to the ideal of unvarnished Truth, and yet
they are but methods which allow one to work toward a greater purpose.
Deceit is the most commonly cited example, yet it is neither a mindset
nor a tenet of belief - it is a tool to be used like any other.
Understanding the distinction between method and mindset is paramount in
understanding Darkness.
